Chapter 25

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I love you. Those three words kept playing over and over inside Clay's head as he finally connected his lips with the girl he had been dreaming about for the past year. Clay could not help but smile into the kiss as he moved one of his hands from Liz's cheek and slowly trailed down her neck and arms to wrap around her waist and pull her closer as she let out a soft moan into his mouth with his grasp.

Liz let go of his shirt, wrapped her hands around his neck, and slowly played with the curls at the base of his neck, hiding under the brim of his backwards hat. Just as Clay squeezed her side as he pulled her closer, she let out a quiet moan, reached up further under the brim, and gave his hair a rough pull, earning herself a muffled groan.

Neither sniper wanted to let go and back their lips away, but unfortunately, breathing was not optional. As they pulled out, they still held onto each other afraid to let go and rested their foreheads against each other, breathing heavily as they fluttered their eyes open, trying to lock onto each others lust filled globes. But the pure happiness that radiated off them caused their smiles to grow so large they could hardly keep their eyes open in the bliss. This was the missing puzzle piece they both needed and the love they craved and had lacked. The kiss was like their drug, and now that they experienced it, it was all they craved, and they started slowly leaning back into each other's lips before they heard a throat being cleared behind them and jumped apart.

"Um, sorry to interrupt here, but um... we have been called in; I was not sure if your cab had come yet and was hoping to catch you before," Sonny grumbled as he tried to hide the grin plastered on his face as he looked down while rubbing the back of his neck. He was not embarrassed at all and actually was giddy and jumping for joy inside but decided it was best to play it cool as the rest of the team was due to come out those doors any moment once their tabs were paid. "The rest of the team should be out shortly, and we can all pile into Trent and Davis's cars."

Clay took Sonny's last comment as a hint that they needed to create some distance between them if he did not want to go into a long-winded explanation. No one but Liz and Jason knew that this relationship was approved within the team by him, so to Sonny and Clay, this still needed to be a secret no matter how much Sonny shipped this relationship and supported his best friend and baby sister.

Just as the doors opened and the rest of the team slowly emerged, Clay was moving over to Sonny's side and being grabbed in a headlock as Sonny joked and quietly teased him about what he had witnessed.

"So you know, I am all for team Lay," Sonny whispered as he came up with yet another nickname for the pair, combining their names as best he could on the spot. And then he bursts out into a fit of laughter as he realizes the name he spat out.

"Real classy of you, Sonny, but what else would I have expected? Lay, really?" Clay chucked as he wiggled out of Sonny's arms and grabbed him in a body hug; they both started to wrestle like a bunch of children.

"Hey, don't you hurt yourselves; I'm not in the mood to fix you, and we have to go in to see Blackburn. And I do not want to come up with yet another story of how the battle buddies strike again." Jason huffed out with a chuckle as he watched his two team members wrestle each other to the ground on the grass next to the parking lot.

"Awe, Jase, you know there is no battle here; I am always superior to Blondie here." Sonny teased.

"Ah, Sonny, I hate to burst your bubble here, but Wonderboy did not get his name for nothing. We have seen him go one-on-one with others in the ring and on the battlefield. I'm pretty sure he has knocked you on your ass way too many times to count." Trent pipped in as he walked over to the two, still going at it but now standing at least. They looked like children on the playground teasing each other at this point. When they did not stop with his glare as he stood in front of them, he grabbed their ears like a mom scolding their children, pulling them apart as they quietly whimpered while clutching at his hands. The alcohol they ingested dampered their strength and pain tolerance.

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