Through Hell and Back, I'll Always Be There

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CW: mature language

jeongguk walked into their house with a groan. after his exhausting 14 hour shift, in which he hadn't eaten, he was more than ready to sit at the table and dine with his beloved husband.

his stomach growled as he set his bag down. "jiminie, i'm home!"

he was expecting jimin to rush into his arms, like he usually does, however, he instead heard a soft whine from the living room.

"jiminie?" jeongguk walked towards their living room, only to see the man curled up in their blanket fort, sleeping soundly.

on any other day, jeongguk's heart would burst from how cute the sight is, but he was just so hungry.

gently shaking jimin, jeongguk forced a soft smile, silently begging that he wasn't in little space. after a long day, the last thing he wanted to do was run around after a hyper jimin whilst making food for the both of them.

"'re home," jimin mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he sat up.
"yep... that i am. and i'm so tired and hungry baby, why didn't you make dinner? you didn't have work today.."

jimin groaned and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "i'm not a housewife, jeongguk. i have a life too, y'know."

"i know, but babe, we agreed that if one of us has the day off, they should make dinner... and i'm tired and i'm hungry and you haven't done anything and the house is a fucking mess,"

jimin raised a challenging eyebrow at him. "are you calling me lasy, jeon jeongguk? if you must know, i was helping taehyung and hoseok move into their new house, y'know, like i told you last night?"

jeongguk scoffed. "so, your friends are more important than me? jimin, i've been gone for 14 hours! i left at five fucking thirty am for my 6am start, only having a slice of toast for breakfast. it's now 8pm. i'm tired. i'm hungry. i've had a long day and all you can do is complain?!"

jimin was taken aback. "well, with that attitude you won't be getting shit." he got out of the blanket fort and picked up his phone, ready to vent to his best friend, taehyung, about jeongguk's behaviour.

jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows and snatched the phone from his hands. "fuck taehyung! i'm hungry, go make me food!"

jimin took a step away. "no."
"no. i'm not your fucking maid, i'm your husband."
"if you're my husband, you should be taking care of me rather than lazing around all day and focusing on your friends." jeongguk's frustrations were rising, he just wanted food.

jimin laughed and shook his head. "what, like your mother?"

"jimin! i take care of you in your fucking little space constantly! after long ass shifts, i come home and take care of you like you're a fucking child! i do so much for you! and the least you could do is make me a meal for me to come home to after work! it's not fucking fair, is it?! fuck you, fuck your little space, and fuck everything. i'll order myself takeout. you can go beg taehyung to make your food."

by the end of his vent, he saw tears streaming down jimin's cheeks.
"f-fine then." he took the phone back from jeongguk and stormed off to their shared bedroom.

jeongguk groaned as he ran a hand through his hair. "fuck...fuck, fuck fuck.. what have i done.. jeon jeongguk you idiot... shit..."

minutes later, jimin came down with a bag. "bye." was all he said before leaving their house to go to taehyung's.

jeongguk held back tears. this wasn't the end of their marriage, right? he didn't have to expect divorce letters in his mailbox, right? of course not... they'd been through worse together and made up.

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