You're a Baby, Get Over It

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"yah! it's hyung to you, brat!" jimin scolded the younger boy who was flashing a smug grin at him. "i don't think so, baby,"

jimin just groaned at him. his boyfriend really frustrates him sometimes. "you're so disrespectful! I bet you wouldn't do this if I was jin hyung would you?"

jungkook just smiled innocently at his husband. "well, if I did it to jin hyung, I would be hit over the head with a pan. but you love me too much to do that so~"

"who said I love you?" jimin retorted with a scoff.
"you did," jungkook still kept the stupidly innocent smile that was beginning to anger jimin to no end.
"yeah? well, I don't anymore. guess that means I can hit you over the head with a pan,"

jungkook just scoffed and pulled jimin into his strong arms, surprisingly with little resistance. "aw, you wouldn't do that to me, baby. that's what bad boys do,"

jimin glared at the younger, knowing exactly what he was trying to do and feeling it begin to work already. "and my little minnie is a good boy, isn't he?"

'screw it' jimin thought to himself before he nodded frantically at the younger.

jungkook smirked victoriously and ruffled his husband's hair. "'m a good boy! minnie's gukkie's good boy!" jimin cheered, giggling cutely as he forgot his previous frustration. jungkook pressed a sloppy kiss to jimin's cheek and held him tightly, already excited to spend the day with his husband in little space.

but no... that privilege was too much to ask for as he remembered his early evening shift later on. he bit his lip, now somewhat regretting coaxing his husband into his headspace as he knew he wouldn't be able to come out until after jungkook left.

"yeah, you are, aren't you baby?" he chuckled and held him close, not willing to let go for even a second. he didn't know how he was going to manage to leave him later. 


"baby!" jungkook called from the kitchen, not long after he poured the spaghetti hoops onto jimin's baby pink plastic plate. he didn't have to wait long to hear the sound of sock-padded feet run into the kitchen and he looked up to smile at the pink-haired baby. "dinner's ready," he told him, pulling jimin's chair out from under the table. 

jimin quickly took a seat beside jungkook, giggling when he saw the smiley face potato waffles that he loved. he giggled once more when he watched jungkook bring his fork to his lips. "open up, little one! let gukkie feed you!" jungkook coaxed as jimin shook his head. "nu-uh! i can do it myself! 'm a big boy!" the little declined as jungkook chuckled.

"nope, you're my baby so i'm gonna take care of you like my baby!" jungkook argued, smiling wider when jimin reluctantly opened his mouth for some spaghetti hoops. 

it went on like that until jimin's pink plate was empty, aside from half a potato waffle. "such a good boy for me, chim," jungkook praised, long fingers combing through jimin's pastel pink locks. jimin smiled contently as his head rested peacefully on jungkook's toned chest. "does baby want ice cream now, huh?" jungkook asked, not being surprised when the little's head perked up with a nod.

he knew jimin was never the biggest fan of eating, but he also knew that jimin was a sucker for sweet things and that he could never say no to ice cream or candy. his sweet tooth was just one of the many things he loved about him.

jungkook smirked and decided to play a little game with his baby. "only baby boys can get ice cream, princess," he told him. jimin frowned and shook his head. "but... minnie's a big boy!" jimin pouted, face burying itself into jungkook's chest once more.

"hm... but you're gukkie's baby though, aren't you?"
"no! minnie's gukkie's good, big boy," jimin was whining at this point, but jungkook was resistant to his adorable pouty face.
"say you're gukkie's baby and I'll give you some ice cream hm?" 

jimin huffed and after a few moments he looked up at his husband. "i'm gukkie's baby boy..." he admitted with a pout. "ice cream now?" 

jungkook laughed at him and walked over to the freezer, pulling out a tub of strawberry ice cream. he couldn't help but coo at jimin's excited grin. he scooped up the ice cream into a plastic bowl and placed it in front of his eager baby.

jimin frowned at him. "uh... gukkie? i need spoon..."  in all honesty, jimin wasn't surprised when jungkook got a spoon and began feeding him once again. he pretended to hate the way that jungkook was babying him, but deep down he really loved to be treated this way and jungkook knew that.


jungkook smirked when jimin walked down the stairs tiredly after his nap. he had told jimin that when he woke up, he will have gone to work but jungkook wasn't evil enough to leave his baby.

"guk?" jimin spoke up. "thought you went to work?" he asked with a yawn as he threw himself beside his husband. jungkook just shook his head with a cheeky smile. "nope! called in sick. didn't wanna leave my baby all on his own," 

jimin gasped and hit his husband's chest lightly. "yah! you're needed out there!" he whined. "you can't just risk your job to spend time with me gukkie!" jimin argued. jungkook merely shrugged. "but I wanted to. especially since you were little and I just couldn't bring myself to abandon you!"

jimin, in spite of being mad at jungkook, pounced onto his lap and kissed him deeply. jungkook smiled into the kiss and pulled jimin closer, loving every moment of feeling so close to his husband instead of dealing with the stress of his job. "I love you jimin, I love you so much my little baby!"
"yah! I'm not a baby! I'm your Hyung if you must be reminded!"

jungkook just scoffed at the man's adorable angry pout.

"you're a baby, get over it," 

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