No Means No

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If there was one thing Park Jimin hated whilst he was in little space-

"Gukkie, can I have please~ have some candy?"

-it was the word no.

"Gukkie, can we do finger painting?!"
"No, it's too messy,"

He was just so used to getting what he wanted that the word no just sent jolts of irritation down his spine.

"Gukkie, can we go play outside?"
"No, not today little one,"

If he wanted something, he demanded that he got it, and if the answer was no-

"Because baby, it's almost your bedtime and-"
"I don' care! Baby wanna go outside! I wanna go outside!!"
"I know but I said no,"

Jeongguk sighed as he felt himself get attacked with a tsunami of plushies.  "Park Jimin!!"


Jimin smiled brightly as he looked at the life sized Chimmy plushie. He wanted- no needed that plushie.

"Gukkie~" he smiled innocently, rocking  back and forth on his heels with hands clasped behind his back.
Jeongguk turned to him with a fond smile and ruffled his hair. "What do you want, baby?"

Jimin giggled and pointed at the plushie, watching as Jeongguk's smile desorted into an awkward one. "I think we both know what the answer is to that, baby boy,"

Jimin pouted and glared at the caregiver, arms hanging defeatedly in front of him. "But Gukkie!" he whined, stomping his foot as the beginning of a tantrum.

Jeongguk nervously looked around them, catching the glimpse of an old woman looking at them in somewhat disgust.

'Please no. Please not here' he pleaded silently as he faced his baby's challenging eyes. "Baby... come on, be good and maybe I'll buy you a different Chimmy. But if you're a naughty boy,"

"I don' want a different Chimmy! I want that one!" he whined.

Jeongguk took ahold of Jimin's wrist and pulled him close, whispering in his ear. "Jimin. No. Means. No. Now behave or you won't get any more toys. If you throw a tantrum, you wont get anything else today,"

He watched with a pit in his stomach as Jimin's eyes widened, almost tearing up. He had never spoken to Jimin in such a way before and he was praying that it would be the last. His thumbs rubbed soft circles on the little's small knuckles, calming him slightly.

Jeongguk was flooded with relief as Jimin nodded, sniffing back his tears. He pressed a gentle kiss to Jimin's small nose. "That's my good boy, huh?" he praised and smiled at the way Jimin's eyes lit up as he nodded.

The rest of their time shopping at the mall was spent with Jimin clinging to Jeongguk's side as he bought more clothes for him and his baby.

They were finally back in his car, Jeongguk fastening Jimin's seatbelt when Jimin asked "Gukkie?"
"Am I a bad boy?"

Jeongguk's heart sank at his baby's words. "Sweetheart, no! You're such a good boy, why would you think that?"
"B-because Gukkie shouted at baby..." he replied, eyes cast downwards.

Jimin felt fingers take ahold of his chin, forcing him to make eye contact with his caregiver. "I'm so sorry about that baby. It's just... I didn't want you to throw a tantrum in public. You have to learn that if Gukkie says no, he means no, okay? I don't wanna end up having to give you a punishment because of it. That plushie was far too big, we didn't have the room for it,"

Jimin nodded again, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I didn't mean to upset you baby. You know how much I love you, hm?"
Jimin nodded, finally sated and Jeongguk took the opportunity to start driving home.


"Okay baby boy, TV off, it's time for bed,"
"Nooo! Gukkie one more episode! Please!" He begged. Jeongguk sighed and sat next to him.

"One more episode and that's it, okay?" he agreed as Jimin made himself comfortable on his lap. Jeongguk smiled and rubbed up and down his thighs. Jimin rested his head on his shoulder, biting down on his sweater paw.

Eventually, the episode finished and the colours of the cartoon were relinquished into black. Jimin whined. "Gukkie! Please, just one more!" he begged.
"No, baby. I said one more episode and you've watched that. It's time for bed now okay?"

Jimin whined again but then his caregiver's previous words filled his mind. "I don't wanna end up having to give you a punishment because of it,"

He nodded and allowed Jeongguk to stand up with him in his arms, smiling down fondly at him. "What a good boy," he praised, knowing Jimin loved it.

He placed Jimin down onto the bed and changed him into his Chimmy onesie without much struggle. He ruffled his pastel pink hair which was still slightly damp from his bath earlier and probably still smelled of the strawberry flavoured shampoo he had used.

"Gukkie~" he whined. "You gonna cuddle?"
Jeongguk sighed and kissed his forehead lightly. "I'd love to, but I have the night shift tonight. I have half an hour to get down to the station,"

It was then Jimin's eyes glistened with tears. "N-no! Gukkie's not allowed to l-leave baby!" he whined, sitting up from his previously relaxed state.

"Tell you what, hm? If you let Gukkie go to work now, I'll use the money from my paycheck to buy that giant Chimmy okay?"

Jimin nodded, satisfied as he felt Jeongguk peck his lips before smiling at him. "Good boy. Now lay down and Gukkie will sing you a lullaby, okay?"

Jimin hummed, laying down against the plush bed as Jeongguk placed his pacifier into his mouth. Jimin started sucking it instantly which earned him a coo and a forehead kiss.

"You are my sunshine~" Jeongguk began, hands playing with the hair of Jimin's fringe. "My only sunshine... you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear... how much I love you... please don't take... my sunshine... away," He finished, pressing his lips against his baby's forehead.

Jimin was sound asleep, hugging his smaller Chimmy plushie close. "Night night baby," he spoke as he stood up from their bed to change into his uniform.

Even if Jimin was a brat, it was worth it to give him what he wanted as long as he could see that bright eye smile that made him weak at the knees.

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