Walkie Talkies

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"chim, baby! stop running!" jeongguk called out as he saw his small boyfriend run into the living room, the sound of socks padding on the floor.

jimin responded only with a giggle and a small nod. jeongguk sighed with a smile as he watched the boy run towards his toy box, dropping to his knees in front of it.

he watched jimin scrummage in the blue tub, tongue sticking out in concentration as he pried out his favourite toy.

a pair of walkie talkies.

jeongguk didn't know why jimin found them so fascinating, but he loved the smile the boy had when they were using them to 'find Cooky' (jeongguk always knew that jimin knew exactly where the pink stuffed bunny was) and they would communicate like detectives.

"gukkie! cooky ran away, you gotta help me find him!" jimin exclaimed, his face scrunching up in determination.

jeongguk chuckled and stood up. "well then, I guess we gotta go find him then, hm?" he smiled at the little. jimin nodded with a smile before handing jeongguk one of the little pieces of blue plastic that he found himself obsessed with for the past week or so.

"We gon' start right here! I gon' look in the kitchen and Gukkie gotta look in the bathroom," Jimin demanded, arching his back somewhat proudly as he pulled a magnifying glass out from his pink hoodie's pocket. "let's go then, my little detective," jeongguk chuckled as he began to make his way to the downstairs bathroom, switching on the walkie talkie as he did so. 

he felt the corners of his lips curl up into a fond smile as he heard his boyfriend's soft voice at the other end of the walkie talkie. "daddy, cooky isn't in the candy jar!" he heard jimin exclaim. he wanted to scoff upon hearing that. of course, that little brat would use take this as an opportunity to steal from the candy jar upon their highest shelf. 

"well then, chim~"
"detective chim," jimin corrected. 
"well then, detective chim- let's continue looking hm? and let's not eat all the cookies in the cookie jar this time,"

although he didn't hear it, jeongguk was almost 100%  sure jimin let out a petty whine at the words. 

he scouted around the bathroom, checking in cabinets, draws and even out of the window (jimin always went all out whenever he was playing one of his little games), but to no avail. "detective chim, Gukkie couldn't find cooky in the bathroom," jeongguk said into the walkie talkie, hearing a giggle come from it not long after. 

"nope! no gukkie in the kitchen or the cookie jar!" jimin answered and jeongguk just sighed.
"chim, what did I tell you about the cookie jar?" he asked and he could practically see jimin's sheepishly innocent smile. "not to eat them... but it wasn't me! it was uh... koya! yep! koya had the cookies! minnie's a good boy!" 

jeongguk cooed to himself before he switched the walkie talkie's mic back on. "I'll choose to believe you, detective. now, less eating cookies and more finding cooky!" 

jimin giggled at the caregiver's words before agreeing. jeongguk heard the little's padded feet run up the stairs eagerly before he once again heard the boy's voice echo through the walkie talkie. "'m looking in the bedroom now, gukkie! 'm gonna find cooky in here!" jimin insisted and jeongguk could hear the sound of toys and blankets being thrown in any direction.

he was dreading cleaning up jimin's mess later on that day, especially since he was almost certain jimin had taken more than he knows he's allowed from the candy jar. 

jeongguk made his way up to their bedroom where he knew jimin was and he saw the little on his hands and knees, peering under the gap under the bed. he resisted the urge to coo when he saw the little pout on jimin's face when he came back with nothing. 

"gukkie! use walkie talkie! help find cooky!" jimin whined once he caught sight of the taller stood in the doorway. jeongguk only chuckled before he lifted jimin into his arms. "well~ I think I have an idea of where cooky is," jeongguk smiled fondly as he carried the boy onto the bed. 

he didn't miss the way jimin's eyes brightened up at the words as they formed into happy little crescents. "right under here~" he hummed as he pulled the pink stuffed rabbit out from beneath their messy bedsheets. jimin squealed at the sight of his favourite toy before he pulled it into his arms. "cooky! minnie missed you!" he cheered joyously and jeongguk couldn't rid himself of the feeling of contentment, not that he wanted to anyway.

jeongguk took a glance at the clock that hung upon their pastel blue wall and smiled. it was 3:30. jimin's naptime.

apparently, jimin was smart enough to catch onto the hint and his bright smile soon turned into an expression of dread and annoyance. "gukkie! no!" jimin whined almost instantly, his eyebrows furrowing as his pink plump lips formed a pitiful pout. 

fortunately (or unfortunately in jimin's case), jeongguk had learnt that the whiny, bratty attitude was just an act and he knew exactly how to make jimin listen to him, especially when it came to naptime. 

"chim, baby. why don't you wanna nap?" jeongguk asked, even though he knew what he was going to stay already. 
"wan' gukkie to nap with me... but gukkie gotta clean and cook... so gukkie can't" jeongguk smiled sadly before he pressed a feathery light kiss to jimin's temple. 

jeongguk's thumbs carefully rubbed and combed through jimin's soft baby pink locks, watching as jimin's eyes noticeably became more and more droopy. none of this was new, however, he was used to sitting down and cradling his baby until he drifted off into a deep and peaceful slumber. on the other hand, he was not expecting to be met with jimin's hazel orbs, staring at him almost painfully once he pulled his hand away, however. 

"don't leave me," jimin whispered out tiredly, the day's events finally catching up to him despite the small energy boost the candy had given him.  jeongguk hummed and kissed his forehead. "how about this baby? gukkie can sing you a nice song and then when I leave, you can use this-" he handed jimin the pastel blue walkie talkie "to tell me if you need anything, and I can continue to tell you how much I love you," jeongguk suggested and he didn't miss the way jimin smiled slightly despite half of his face being buried beneath the thick bedsheets.

"mhm," jimin agreed with a small nod. jeongguk pressed another kiss to the boy's forehead and grinned before he let soft, gentle notes escape his lips, watching contently as jimin's eyes struggled to stay open.

by the time jeongguk had finished with the little song, however, jimin was sound asleep, arm wrapped around his cooky plushie tightly in one hand as the walkie talkie was beside him on the pillow. 

"sleep well, little detective," jeongguk whispered, pressing one last kiss to jimin's temple before he made his way out of the room, not forgetting to bring his own walkie talkie with him. 

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