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I couldn't sleep for the life of me. I couldn't tell if it was because my life was about to change forever or because I was meeting my friend of seven years for the first time ever. I had my seat completely reclined and the wall beside me up all the way. I closed my eyes but I couldn't keep them closed, I kept opening them and looking out the window into the darkness outside. Even though there wasn't anything to look at it somehow calmed my mind. 

As much as I wanted to live in the same house as my best friends I was worried I wouldn't be able to sleep there either. I feared I would miss my old house, my old bed, my old room. Everything about the place I lived in for most of my life. Good news is I only had four hours till I got off this stupid plane and two hours till it was light outside again. 

I had fallen asleep but it wasn't my normal deep sleep. If I heard even the smallest sound I would wake up and be back at square one, looking out the window again. I thankfully slept for the rest of the time the plane was in the air. Sapnap was picking me up and then Dream would be waiting for me at my new home. 

After I got off the plane I got escorted off by security so my fans didn't know I was there. It wasn't a long walk till I saw Sapnap with a whiteboard that said 'George' with a lot of explanation points after it. 

He gave me a small side hug, "you're here!" He said excitedly. 

"I'm here!" I said back in the same tone. 

He wheeled my two bigger bags out and I took the smallest one. We walked out to his matte black car and he popped the trunk, I lifted all three suitcases into the trunk and then walked to the drivers seat. 

"What are you doing?" He asked. 

"Wait this is the wrong side," I laughed. "In the UK they are on the other side." I told him even though he already knew that. 

I went to the other side and put my seat belt on, Sapnap did the same. He turned the key and then reality set in. I was going to see Dream in person. My best friend for the past seven years, I was going to get to hug him for the first time. I was going to get to meet Patches. It didn't feel real, it felt like I was dreaming, but I didn't want to wake up from it. Everything here was perfect. 

"Are you nervous?" He asked but I had guessed by the fact my legs were shaking and I couldn't stop tapping my fingers on the door that he already knew my answer. 

"Yeah, I am" I admitted.

"Don't be, it's going to all be okay" he reassured. 

This didn't make any of my nervousness go away. I didn't know if it ever would. I don't know if the excitement of waking up in the same house as my two best friends. 

Sapnap had decided to put music on which made it even worse. So many more thoughts clouded my head, nothing was quiet anymore. For some reason he decided to play Dream's music which only made me more nervous to meet him. 

He just kept driving without saying anything. I would love to call this comfortable silence but it was far from it. My head was filled with too many thoughts, the biggest one being what if Dream doesn't like me. What if when I got there he decided he hates me and doesn't ever want to talk to me again. 

We eventually got there and Sapnap turned the car off. "Are you nervous?" He asked. 

"A little bit," I lied. I was way more nervous than I should have been. 

"Do you want me to go and get him?" He questioned. 

"Yeah, go get him" I said, he closed the drivers side door and I took a deep breath. It was all going to be fine. 

I saw the front gate open and then closed again. It was only a matter of time before I would see him. Sapnap walked back out a minute later by himself.

"He's coming!" He yelled. 

"Where is he coming from?" I asked.

"You have to guess," he joked. I looked all around at all the ways he could possibly get to me. 

It was a minute before he walked out of the front gate. He looked just as nervous as me if not more, he was shaking his hands around while standing there. I started to walk towards him and then he started to walk to me. We both had our arms open for a hug and then we collided. I was hugging him and he was hugging me. It was all real, it wasn't a dream anymore. 

The sun was shining down on us, I almost couldn't see his face clearly when I pulled away. I took another deep breath to ground myself. Sapnap had bought a confetti popper and set it off, it was blue. I don't know if he got that color specifically because it was the only one I could see clearly or not but it was still cool to think he thought of that. 

"We should do a group hug," Dream suggested. 

Sapnap walked over to Dream and I and we all hugged for the first time. I felt at home here, it felt natural almost like I had lived here all my life. It was so different but all the same at the same time. All those years of hearing Dream's voice over Discord and now I was hearing them in person. 

"Are you ready to take a look at your new room?" Sapnap asked. 

"I'm so ready," I responded. 

"Wait! He needs to meet Patches first!" Dream almost yelled. 

"Yes, Patches first," I said back. 

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