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I woke up with Dream's head in my back, I could feel him breathing on my neck. His left arm was under my pillow and his right arm and his right one was around my waist over the comforter. I had tried to get up but I just got pulled back and decided against it, Dream needed more sleep anyway. I was going to give him thirty minutes and if he wasn't up by then I was going to just get up.

"Dream?" I asked.

"Hmm?" I heard from behind me.

"It's time to get up." I told him.

"No, I want to sleep longer," he said.

"I let you sleep longer, I gave you thirty minutes, it's time to get up." I said to him as I tried to pull myself up.

Dream wrapped both of his arms around me "I know you didn't sleep much last night, just lay here a little longer."

"Dream, please" I moved his hands so I could get up and he let me.

"Bye" he whispered.

"I'm coming back in five minutes to make sure you left," I said as I walked out into the hallway.

I saw Patches underneath the coffee table again. Sapnap must have still been sleeping, which didn't surprise me one bit.

I sat at the counter on one of the bar stools and just thought about everything. I thought about the fact I was actually with my best friends and not in the UK anymore. I kinda missed my apartment in London, it was quiet and familiar. This place was entirely different from what I was used to.

Dream had somehow walked out of my room silently and walked up behind me. "Good morning George," he said. His voice was still scratchy like it was when he wakes up.

"Good morning," I responded.

"I'm going to guess Sap is still asleep?" He said.

"He is, he was probably talking to Karl late last night." I told him.

"He will see him at Twitchcon soon though," he said back.

"Did the whole room situation get figured out?" I asked.

"We did, uh you will be in room 48, Sapnap will be in room 53 and my mom will be in room 50." He said.

Dreams mom was coming with because she wanted to be with him for his first big event. That and the fact that Dream was really nervous about meeting all of those new people and talking in front of a real audience and not a screen.

"Perfect, where will you be?" I asked.

"55, it was the closest I could get" he responded.

"It's still close," I reassured.

"It is," Dream said.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Better than I have since the days leading up to the face reveal, you?" He responded.

"I slept well after you calmed me down," I said back.

"I'm glad," he smiled.

"I can't believe I just got here and now we're all packing up and leaving for San Diego," I told him as he pulled a glass out of the cabinet.

"It'll be fun though," he reassured.

"It will," I agreed.

I was finally meeting all of my other friends. I've already met a lot of them but I was going to meet a lot more very soon. I was excited for the different panels I was going to be on and the meet and greets. Events like this could also be draining with all the people and the screaming fans and working almost all day, plus being stopped almost every three minutes to take a photo with someone. We all loved our jobs though.

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