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Despite my desperate attempts to fall asleep I couldn't. I didn't know what time it was and to be honest I didn't really want to know. I rolled over to see Dream laying on his side facing away from me, I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or if he was awake.

"Dream," I whisper yelled at him. "Are you awake?"

"No," he groaned.

"Yes you are idiot," I said a bit too loud, all I hoped was that I didn't wake Sapnap.

"What do you want?" He asked, I could tell I had woken him up.

"I can't sleep," I told him.

"That's supposed to be my problem, I'm supposed to be the one who can't sleep," he laughed back.

"I know, but I can't," I said, Dream turned over and was now looking at me.

"Do you want me to come up there?" Dream asked.

"No, you stay down there," I got out of my bed and laid next to Dream on the floor.

I put my head on his chest, "is this okay?" I asked.

"What if Sapnap walks in?" He asked.

I laughed slightly, "you say things like that as if he doesn't have his tongue down Karl's throat every time he goes to North Carolina."

"You know, sometimes I just forget those two are dating," Dream said back, smiling.

"I don't, do you see the way they act when they are together? They can't keep their hands off each other." I sat up, leaning against the side table.

"George, you're supposed to be laying down. I know you said you couldn't sleep but I want you to try," Dream said, pulling George towards him.

"But I wanna keep talking to you," I groaned.

"It's late George," Dream said.

"So?" I said back with a questioning voice.

"You get to see me every day now, we haven't left each other's sides since you've gotten here, even to sleep we've been together. I will still be here tomorrow," Dream said reassuringly.

"Ya know, sometimes I still think this is a dream. I think I'm going to wake up in the UK and be alone again," I said sadly.

"George, look at me. This is real, I am here with you, Sapnap is here. You are in Florida, I promise you." I felt him try to pull me closer to him if that was even possible at this point. His arms were wrapped around me, we were sharing his blanket.

"Can we go to your room?" I asked.

"Why? We can just sleep here," Dream questioned.

"Because I don't want to sleep in here," I said.

"But I'm with you," he said as he rubbed my back.

"I know, but I want to be in your room," I said as I looked him in the eye.

"Alright, let's go," Dream said as he stood up.

"Carry me," I said back, I reached up for him to help me.

"I am not going to carry you, you have legs" Dream said.

I pouted, "you could, just this one time."

"You're going to walk or I'm going to go sleep in my own room alone," he said.

"Okay fine," I stood up, leaving my pillow behind on the floor. Dream had his pillow and blanket in hand.

We walked to Dreams room in silence, he threw his pillow and blanket on his bed.

"What are you going to use as a pillow?" He questioned.

"I don't know, we could share or I could just lay my head on you. I didn't think I really needed one," I said as I sat down.

"Fair enough, but we're going to sleep now," Dream said as he yawned.

I moved to the wall and lifted the blanket up so Dream could crawl under it next to me. He crawled in and wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going to sleep?" He said back.

I grabbed his arm "No, I mean why are you holding me?"

"Do you not want me to?" He asked, sounding concerned. I could tell by the look on his face that he felt bad like he had done something wrong.

"I mean normally that's a thing that couples do. Not friends," I said to him.

"I'm sorry," he pulled his hands back at his sides and turned around, his back facing me.

"You don't have to be sorry," I whispered in his ear. "I was just saying that, if I didn't like it I would have told you to stop."

I wrapped my arms around him, "is this what you wanted?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is. I feel better this way." I told him.

"Really, why?" He sounded sorta confused.

"I don't know, I just feel better like this," I explained.

"But I'm taller than you," he said.

"I will leave right now," I said jokingly but I think Dream thought I was serious.

"Please stay?" He said back.

"I was only joking, I'm not going to leave," I reassured.

He stopped talking to me after that and I let it go. I assumed he was trying to fall asleep but I still couldn't. I kept my arms around him and my head in his neck. He smelled of watermelon and a slight hint of his cologne that still lingered even after his shower.

I had regretted not taking that hoodie off because if there was one thing about Dream it's the fact that he was a human heater. I now understood why Dream prefers to sleep shirtless. I was afraid of waking him up even though he was a very heavy sleeper, a tornado probably wouldn't even wake him up.

I could really get used to this although I probably shouldn't considering the fact Sapnap would eventually get suspicious and we were just best friends. Best friends don't do things like this, they don't flirt with each other, they don't sleep in each other's beds, they can spend time apart from each other. But us, that's not how we were. 

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