Are You Okay?

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Dream led the way back inside and I closed the door behind us. I looked around at the inside for a second.

"Where's Patches?" I asked them both.

"She might be under the coffee table, that's her favorite spot." Dream told me.

I walked further into the house and made it to the living room. Patches was under the coffee table, Dream was right. I walked over to her and sat on the ground, I put my face through one of the holes in the table and Patches put her face to mine.

"I told you she would like you," Dream stated.

"Shut up," I said back in a fake annoyed tone.

Sapnap went to the door in the kitchen which I assumed was the pantry and grabbed a can of Patches food. I stood up and he handed it to me, I started walking away from the coffee table and Patches followed me. I picked her up off the floor and held her close to me for a couple of minutes before she wanted down.

"Do you wanna go see your room?" Sapnap asked me.

"Sure, which one's mine?" I asked.

"Follow me" Dream said before walking in front of me and leading me to my new streaming room.

It had a setup that looked pretty similar to my old one but I could tell it was different. Almost all of the equipment was the same, it was just arranged differently.

Sapnap had bought fireworks to celebrate me moving there and Dream's face reveal. They made me set them up because 'I'm the oldest and most mature' which definitely isn't true but I did it anyway. We were all jumping around and screaming and running through the fireworks which was a dumb idea.

None of us could stop smiling the entire night. Even when Dream slipped in the kitchen from jumping around, it was sure to leave a nasty bruise. It was almost like we were the only three people in the world and only we mattered. No one cared about anything other than us three finally being together.

"Is your shoulder okay?" I asked, Dream was laughing so I assumed he was fine but I just wanted to make sure.

Dream was holding his hand on his shoulder "yeah, I'm all good."

I reached my hand down to him to help him up and he took it and put his other hand on the counter.

"Thank you George," he said. I think he forgot I grabbed his hand because he left it there for a short moment before looking down and pulling it away.

"You're welcome," I said back, Sapnap never stopped laughing even when he fell.

"Did you just hit your shoulder?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, it was just my shoulder," he told him.

"Do you want me to kiss your boo-boo?" Sapnap joked.

"No, I think I'm alright actually," Dream laughed.

"Are you sure?" Sapnap said, he almost sounded serious but I could tell he was joking. 

"I'm positive I don't want you to kiss it Sapnap," Dream said. 

"Now what?" I asked. 

"We can watch a movie, play video games, whatever you want George," Dream said. 

"We should watch a horror movie and whoever gets the most scared has to give the other two ten dollars," Sapnap said. 

"It's a bet." Dream said. 

Sapnap grabbed the remote and turned Netflix on and started scrolling through the movies and chose IT. It couldn't be that bad right? As the movie went on I got closer and closer to Dream without even thinking about it. He had put a pillow in front of him to hide behind if he got too scared which I thought was a smart idea. 

I had ended up losing so I gave them each their money and we all went to bed. I didn't expect any of us to be able to fall asleep. 

"I wish you never moved here!" Dream yelled.

"Wh-what? I thought I was your friend" I told him.

"You really thought I would want to be your friend? It was all just for show. I want you to go home." He told me, his face cold, his eyes emotionless.

I opened my eyes, I didn't realize where I was for a minute. Was that a dream or was it real? It felt way too real for my brain to realize it was a dream. I felt a tear slide down my face, that was just great. My first night in the Dream Team house and I was crying.

I don't know how long I was laying there in the dark with tears running down my face before the door opened. I didn't bother to turn a light on because if I could pretend I was sleeping they would go away.

"George?" Dream asked, his voice was almost a whisper.

I didn't respond, I was still hoping he would go away, but I didn't have that kind of luck. He walked farther into my room, he turned my lamp on and looked over at me.

"George, are you okay?" He asked again.

I tried my best to stop crying, "I'm okay, you can go." I told him.

"If you're okay, why are you crying?" He asked me.

"It was just a stupid bad dream, I'm fine." I spoke.

"Well, I don't think it's stupid." He sat at the end of my bed, pushing my legs to the side, "tell me about it, I'm listening."

"You told me you didn't want me here, you told me to go home."

"George, now you know I want you here right?" He said softly.

"I guess so." I said back.

He scooted further back against the wall. "Do you want me to go?"

"If you want you can," I didn't want him to feel like he had to stay but I really wanted him to.

"Scoot over?" He asked.

"Don't you want to sleep in your bed?" I asked him.

"You're sad. Scoot over." He told me.

I scooted to the side furthest away from the wall and let him crawl in behind me. He turned to face the wall and I had my back to him. We laid there in silence, he had calmed me down, I was no longer crying and I felt okay. I felt safe. 

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