Dream's Mom

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I woke up to Dream's alarm. Today was the day we left for California for Twitchcon. I shook Dream's arm to try and wake him up.

"George?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I said back, Dream turned around so he was facing me.

"What time is it?" He said, yawning.

I picked up his phone from the side table, mine was still in my room charging where I left it last night. "It's eight am, don't worry we still have time to get ready before we have to leave." I told him.

He was still laying flat on the bed, no longer cuddled up to me. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his hands, slowly opening them.

He sat up, "are you excited?" Dream asked.

"I'm excited to meet our fans and hang out with our friends," I smiled at the thought.

"I'm excited to get out of the house and be somewhere new," I could hear how happy he was.

"Didn't you and Sapnap already pack your suitcases before I got here?" I asked.

"We did." He said, I could tell he was still tired by his voice.

"Do you think Sap's going to be okay on the plane? I know he hates flying." I told him.

"He's going to be sitting in between us so I think he should be fine." Dream spoke.

"That's true," I said back. The room fell silent, it was a comfortable silence. "Should I go? Ya know before Sap wakes up?"

"We could lay back down and sleep a little more," he suggested.

"Or we could get up and go do stuff before we have to get your mom," I smiled.

"Like what?" He questioned.

"Like taking showers, brushing our teeth, and getting dressed, ya know the things normal people do in the morning."

Dream slid under the blankets again and closed his eyes. I sighed and joined him, "ten minutes and then we have to get ready." I told him.

"Okay, fine." He said.

I studied him, I could see every last freckle on his cheeks, the small hairs that fell out of place. A little bit of his collarbone and shoulder due to the fact the blanket wasn't pulled up all the way. His bruise from the day I got here had turned yellow, or at least that's what it looked like to me. I could see the freckles that covered his shoulders and chest better now that it wasn't dark.

Why did I look at him and think of him like this? He was just my best friend, he has been for years. It was nothing more than that and it never would be. I didn't like him like that.

Dream opened his eyes, "are you staring at me George? I mean I know I'm beautiful but I was sleeping, that's a little creepy don't ya think?" He joked.

"Shut up idiot, let's go get ready." I said, tugging at his bare arm.

"Chill George, I'll get up," he said, wiggling himself out of my grip and getting out of bed.

When I got up, my neck felt slightly stiff, I guess I slept wrong. Dream picked up a shirt off the floor, I don't understand why he didn't just go get changed but then again it's Dream and I'm still trying to get used to his weird habits.

"I'm going to go make sure I packed everything, I'll see you later." I said before I walked out of his room and started walking to mine.

I dug through my already mostly packed suitcase, I was only here for three days, unpacking would have been useless. I went into my bathroom and put my toiletries in the bag they were in three days prior but it still felt like something was missing.

I went into my office and saw it sitting on my desk, my little rose quartz elephant. I picked it up and walked back into my bedroom, I stuck it into my duffle bag that had my laptop and chargers and socks in. It had become more of a good luck charm than a joke throughout the years. Whenever I got nervous for a meeting or a video I would put it in my pocket and take it with me but I never told anyone that.

I took my luggage into the living room and put it by the door like we talked about last night. Sapnap had gotten up and made his way to the couch, petting Patches who had made her way to his lap.

"Good morning," I said to Sapnap.

"Where's Dream?" He asked.

"He's still in his room, getting his stuff." I explained.

He yawned, "when are we picking up Dream's mom?" He questioned.

"Well first off, we still need to get ready because the second we get there we have to take our luggage to our rooms and then go collect our badges," I told him.

"Alright," He got off the couch and walked to his room. I decided that I needed to go get changed considering I was still wearing the clothes I had slept in the day before.

I walked into my bedroom and dug through my duffel bag that still had extra clothes in it that I didn't have packed away in my suitcase. I put on a dark blue shirt and a pair of my shorts. My shoes were next to the door where I left them.

When I went into the living room Dream was sitting on the couch and Sapnap was nowhere to be seen. "You took a shower?" I questioned. His hair was wet and not as curly as it normally is.

"Of course I did Geroge, I always take showers in the morning," he said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Did Sapnap go to change?" I asked.

"Yeah, he did. He said he should be out in like five minutes." He said, looking at the floor.

"Is your mom ready?" He questioned.

"I just texted her and she said she's ready for whenever we get there," he smiled.

Sapnap came out of his room, his luggage was rolling behind him. "Are we ready to go pick up your mom?"

Dream nodded and got up off the couch, he texted his sister to let her know that they were leaving and that she could go over to housesit. We threw our stuff into the back of Sapnap's car and drove our way to Dream's parents house. His mom greeted me with a hug which took me by surprise before she got in the front seat of the car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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