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Chapter 1:

All I could feel was an excruciating pain in the back of my head; it was pounding so much it felt like someone hit it with a hammer. My eyes feel like they weighed ten pounds, I try to open them, but I can't. I start to feel numb. I need to open my eyes. My eyes start to flutter open and burn right away from the bright light that was shinning above my face. I raise my hand attempting to block the light away from my face. I look down to see a long needle in my arm; I take my left arm and slowly pull it out of my skin, while wincing. I slowly rise up from the bed and take a long look around the room. Where am I?

Everything was white; there was not one colored object around. I look down to see I am wearing a white tee shirt with the number fifty in black ink on the front; I was wearing blue jeans that fit me tightly and white tennis shoes. Where am I? Again, and again I kept looking around the room to give me a hint where I am, but I couldn't find anything.

"I can see your finally awake." I quickly turned my head to see a lady who looked like she is in her mid forties staring at me like I was some kind of zoo animal. She was wearing a blue shirt with a black pencil skirt and black heels, her hair was put up in a neat bun, she looked flawless. But something about her was off putting; she made me get shivers just by looking at her.

"My name is Sally, your name is Luna is that correct?" She asks me taking a step closer, while staring at me intensely.

I couldn't speak; it was like I was unable to. How did she know my name? "Don't be afraid child, I am not here to hurt you," Sally said with a smile on her face, but for some reason I didn't trust her.

"Why am I here? Where are my brother and my parents?" I croak. She didn't answer me, she just watch me closely, almost like she was studying my every move.

"Luna, many things have happened-" I interrupted her by screaming as loud as I could, "Like what? What the hell is going on?" I put my hands on my forehead while pulling lightly on my hair and rocking back and forth. Sally walks over to me and grabs my hands away from my hair, gripping my hands tightly; I look up to see her looking at me with a cold hard stare.

"Your parents are dead," she said bluntly. Right when those words came out of her mouth, I remembered everything. A disease broke out and everyone was in frenzy, people did everything to avoid catching it. I remember caring for my mother and father when they had the disease, and my brother was always out trying to earn money because my parents were too sick to work. More and more painful memories kept flashing through my head, almost like it was never ending.

Before I knew it a tear was sliding down my cheek, but I am quick to wipe it, refusing to let her see me cry. "Where is my brother?" I whispered. Sally didn't reply, all she did was walk out of the room. "You can't leave me here! I want to see my brother!" I screamed at her as she walks out the room, without looking back.

Authors Note:

Heyy guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter please vote & comment it would mean a lot! Thanks!

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