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I hesitantly grabbed his hand looking back at Harry hoping he would say or do something. Even though we barley new each other he was the only person that talk to me and that meant something to me, he was the only hope I had.

 "Everyone make a big circle around us," Jason said as he led me to the middle of the matt. Jason got off the matt and went to the edge of the matt and grabbed a white box, and walk back over to me. He opened up the box, which has clear stickers in them, just like the ones the girl who died just had on her head.

 "W-what are you going-g to do?" I ask as my hands started to shake vigorously. I am trying to control my emotions; from the amount of time I've been here I learned they love to see you weak.

 "Not only do we want to test your strength to see if you can become strong in a short amount of period then a average human, we want to see how well you work with pain," Jason said while looking around at everyone. "Recently we discovered that you most likely feel more pain then the average human, but that's a theory that we have to test."

The room was deathly silent; everyone knew what was about come and so did I. Jason put two the clear stickers on my head, on each side of my temple. I felt a shock from each sticker go through my bones as he put them on.

 "Don't worry sweetheart, ill try not to kill you," Jason whispered in a sinister way. I look up at him with abhorrence in my eyes and whispered back, "Screw you." I closed my eyes as tight as I could preparing for the pain that come at me any second.  Suddenly I felt a muscular fist connect to my cheek; before I could even fall down he tightly grabbed my shoulders and brought his knee to my stomach. I whimpered in pain as my body hit the ground. I desperately gasp for air as a sour taste formed in my mouth.

"Get up!" Jason screamed like a lunatic.

 It was like my whole body ached and burned at the same time, I took around the room to everyone staring at me. I slowly got up from the floor trying to gain my balance.  I spit the blood from my mouth right on Jason face landing above his eyeball slowly dripping down his cheek, everyone gasp in shock. Jason took his fingers and grabbed my blood and spit dripping from his face and brought it to his mouth licking it slowly. I took a step back desperately trying to distance myself from the monster smirking in front of me. Jason walk toward and grabbed my shirt pulling me to him and threw me to the ground, I let out a shriek as I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I landed on the ground. I grinded my teeth to stop myself from crying out loud, Jason stalk over to me with a clenched fist looking at me in a way I never seen before.

"Stop!" Someone shouted. I turned my head to see Harry walking over to me while giving Jason the death glare. Harry kneed down and slowly help me sit up, I winced in pain as Harry's hand touch my shoulder.

 Jason put his hand on Harry's shoulder squeezing it so tight his knuckles were white and said "You stupid boy," Harrys fist clench as he turned around and punch Jason on the jaw. Scientist all around the room watch as Jason fell to floor with a loud thud. One guard ran to Jason making sure he was okay, while to others grab Harry and I. I would try to fight back but the pain in my body made it hard for me to even lift a finger.

 "Put them in the calming room," One scientist said while attending to Jason needs.


The calming room is a room that is all white obviously, there was nothing in the room, all there was there was foam surrounding every wall and floor. The guard pushes Harry in first, and then threw me right on top of him and shut the door. I rolled off Harry because all my energy has been drained from the beating I had just received.

 "Where does it hurt?" He asks me.

"Everywhere," I mumble, "T-thank y-y-you."

 "I am sorry, I should've come in earlier to help you. Its just I have been here so long and if you start trouble they do some serious fuck up things to you," Harry said.

The pain in my shoulder and stomach was unbearable I desperately needed a distraction or I might vomit soon. "Tell me something about yourself, so I won't think about the pain," I ask him. Harry's jaw clench, you could obviously tell he wasn't comfortable with sharing things about his personal life.

"I am only going to tell you one thing, only because I feel bad for you. But once I tell don't question me or ask me anything about my past again," Harry stated looking me in the eye. All I could was nod; it was like I was unable to speak.

"My mother and father were a scientist here and are now dead," he said while avoiding eye contact with me. So many questions pop in my head, but I knew I had bury them because I don't want to make him angry.

"Tell me about your parent," Harry demanded, it was fairly obvious he wanted to change the subject.

 A smile tugs on my lips because I was happy I get to talk about the good days with them. "They were amazing," I stated "My dad use to travel a lot with his job, but my brother and I knew he loved us. My mom was a stay at home mom; she would tuck me in at night and sing me my favorite song every time I was upset. When they caught the disease it destroyed me, my dad had to quiet his job which soon made us broke and my brother had to get a job because we couldn't even afford to buy food. Everyday I had to watch them grow weaker and weaker, and I couldn't do anything about it but try to make the as comfotable as possible. The last thing my mother told me before she died is to be strong, b-but I can't I don't know what I am doing wrong and all these bad things keep happening to me, I don't know if I will be able to survive this place." I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears from coming down.

 Harry carefully picks me up and put me in his lap and laid my head on his shoulder. "I promise you Luna that you'll be able to survive because I am going to protect you."

 "Promise," I said sticking my pinky in the air.

"I promise," he replied chuckling while he rapping his pinky around mine.


Authors Note:

Helloooo everyone!<3 please vote & comment what you think! And if you enjoy this story share it because why the fuck not! Please check out the trailer for this story too, thanks!!

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