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Today is going to be different; I refuse to let them see me cry. My mother always told me that I was strong and now I need to start acting like I am.

"Luna get up," Mason ordered as he barged into my room. I got up from my snug bed and attempted to comb my knotty hair with my fingers.

"You need to get ready for training, get up so we can go," Mason said as he tapped his foot impatiently waiting for me to walk to him. What's his problem?

"Do I get a shower?" I ask him, not holding back the excitement that flooded my voice. I miss the feeling of warm droplets of water touching my skin; sitting in this room for hours makes you miss the simplest things in life. Mason slowly nodded his head as he put his hand out for him to grab. I squealed with happiness as I ran over to him and took his hand. Mason firm hand tightly squeezed my small hand as we walk through the white hallways. Mason stops at a door that says Ladies Bathroom; the white door slides open leading into another white room with a white toilet and sink. I franticly look around for the shower and soon realized on the roof of the room there where were many closed silver holes and a switch near the door.

"You have thirty minutes to get ready or I am coming in to get you, whether your ready or not," Mason said as he put a pile of new clothes on the perfectly cleaned sink. Once Mason walk out the room I quickly flipped the switch to the shower that opened up the silver holes and warm water started pouring out. As the water hit my skin I let out a big sigh, for once I actually felt relaxed. Not bothering to take my clothes off, I continued to stay under the shower letting the warm water caress my skin.

Once I was finished showering and getting change into me new outfit, which consisted black gym shorts, and an exact copy of my other shirt, I heard a loud banging on the other side.

"Luna, are you ready?" Mason asks. I sighed while playing with my wet hair wishing is dry so I could put it up.

"Yes," I replied. As I was looking in the mirror I saw the dark bags under my eyes, my face look a lot paler then I remembered, my lips were so chapped they were starting to split, and my face look like it lost a considerable amount of weight. I just got here and I can already see myself changing drastically.

I heard Mason loud footsteps echo through the bathroom as I continued to look in the mirror not bother to look him in the face.

"Stop looking at yourself your not even pretty," Mason spat.

I immediately drop my head to the ground while Mason grabbed my arms pushing out the bathroom. Mason and I walk through the white halls till we stop at a door that said Training on it. He swiped his card on a white box next to the door, which slid the door open.

The room was huge; there were a ton of big container of water that look over six feet tall. In the middle of the room there was a big thick black matt, on the others side of the room there was clear chairs lined up with a white wire hanging above it. Hanging on the wall was a brown board that all our names on it in separate groups.

We both walk into the room, soon Mason let go of my arm and stormed out of the room, I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. Soon many people started to pile into the room with the same outfit as me, but different number. Sally walk in the room with a huge smile on her face and a microphone in her hand.

"Hello everyone, today is your first day of training I hope you are prepared. The mat with be used to test your instincts for example if I shot with a gun would you move away or stay still. The clear chairs will be used to study your brain activity-"

"What about the containers?" A girl asks as she interrupted Sally.

I sinister smile went on Sally face and she replied, "Come here and lets find out."

The girl paled realizing she shouldn't have let her curiosity get the best of her, she slowly walked over to Sally, and she took her thick red hair and put it in a ponytail. Then she grabbed what look like a white sticker and placed it on the girl's forehead. The girl walks to the container and slowly started to walk up the steps.

"Jump in," Sally demanded.

The girl obeyed and jumps in the clear water, but before she even got a chance to come up and catch her breath a sliver lid covered over the container. The girl banged on the container as she desperately tried to gasp for air. The whole room turned quiet, letting the girl screams seem louder. Pain was written all over her as she continuously banged on the glass. Suddenly she stops moving, her whole body turning deafly pale. I put my hand over my mouth as I tried to cover up my gasp. Everyone around the room couldn't keep their eyes of her lifeless body. The sliver lid slowly opened and two men went to grab her body.

"If you defy us or ask questions that will happen to you, we always wanted to know how your body reacts to death and this how we will find out, trust when I tell you we wont just drown you. But you will only go in those or any other device if you deserve to, try and remember that. Try not to look so sad everybody be grateful it wasn't you," Sally said gaining our attention back.

"In this board you can see what group you are in for training there are other training rooms, some days you may be assigned here and others you won't. Go find your group," Sally demanded.

I walk to the brown board and tried to search for my name I eventually found with the number three next to it. I frantically search around the room trying to find any clue where I should go. A pale redheaded man stood on a black chair holding of the number three. I slowly walk over to the group, eventually many people started to join in. Groups started to leave one after the other only leaving us and group five. Group five went over to the clear chairs and started to strap people into them.

"Hello everyone welcome to your first training," the redhead said. "My name is Jason and I will be working with you for the next few days testing you reflex skills and survival skills," Jason continued talking about the skills we were learning but I stop paying attention and started to think about the girl, maybe she was the sweetest girl or maybe the nastiest but I'll never get to know all because she ask a question.

"Luna right?" A voice whispered.

I turn around to see Harry towering over me and I whispered back, "That's my name, glad to know you forgot it."

"I might have forgotten your name but I sure as hell didn't forget you face," he replied with smirk forming on his lips.

I shift uncomfortably covering my hand on my cheeks attempting to cover my blush, which never seems to go away. Harry chuckled at my reaction as he was trying to take my hands off my red cheeks but I refuse to let him.

"You two," Jason said pointing at us with his muscular finger, everyone turned in look at us with pity. Harry immediately drop my hands, we both turned to Jason seeing him looking angry; I glanced over at Harry to give him the nastiest glare I could muster. Harry's face showed no emotion as Jason gave us a threatening stare, I stared to pick at my nails attempting to swallow my nerves down.

"Since you two were happy enough to talk while I was speaking, you wouldn't mind going first." My hands started to sweat as those words came out of Jason's mouth. I look up at Harry hoping he new a way to talk Jason out of this, but I knew I was wrong as I saw him clench his jaw.

"Ladies first," Jason said as he held out his pale hand for me to take.


Authors Note:

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed it! Please check out my trailer!!<3 Don't forget to vote & comment!

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