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I gasped as my eyes flew open attempting to catch my breath; I continued to breathe heavily trying to calm myself down. Memories from when I was with Jason flooded my head; I brought my hand to my cheek and winced as I applied very little pressure on it. I look around to see I am in the same bedroom I was before, the door swooshed open and I look up to see Mason walking in.

"Nice to see you're awake, we tried being nice and this how you repay us by acting like a fool. What you did will never happen again do you understand me?" I nodded refusing to look him in the eye, "Do you understand me?" He said rougher this time. This is what they call being nice?

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Attention will all numbers one through fifty please be escorted to the main room, I repeat will all numbers one through fifty please be escorted to the main room, thank you."

"What was that?" I questioned.

"Time to go," he said.

I got up from the bed and followed Mason to the door, when the door opened Mason grabbed my arm tightly, I was sure it would leave bruises. We walk through the narrow white hallways till we reach two big white doors. Why is everything white here? Mason opened the door and led me into the biggest room I have seen.

"Sit down I will be back when its over," Mason said then left me. Of course the room was white, with a big stage in the front. There were many boys and girls who wore the same attire but different numbers on each shirt, some people looked happy and some people looked miserable. The person that stood out the most was a boy on the corner smoking a cigarette while closing his eyes. I stared at him, unable to look away, his hair was slick back and he has amazing plump lips that would make any girl drool; I soon realized he had the number one imprinted on his tee shirt. He opened his eyes and caught me staring, but I didn't look away. His eyes were green, but not the ugly puke color green; it was the color of grass green. We continued to stare at each other till Sally walked on stage with a black microphone.

"Hello everyone!" She said trying to get everyone's attention, "Please take a seat so I can begin."

I looked away from him and took a seat farthest from the stage, I hoped I would see my brother but I doubted since his number on his door said fifty-three. I looked at Sally she had a big smile on her face, like she was excited? I was too busy studying Sally I didn't realize someone sat next to me. I turned my head to see the boy from before sitting next to me.

"Your new," He stated.

"How did you know?"

"I have never seen you here before." I was about to question him more but Sally interrupted us saying, "Okay everyone I'm happy to say we are a step closer to finding the cure!" Some people cheered while others said nothing at all.

The boy leaned in and whispered, "Welcome to hell." I stiffened as I heard those words coming out of his mouth. I turned to say something to him but he was staring at Sally.

"This year will be our toughest year. We will push your mind and body to where it's never been before." Sally said, "But we can save the people! Their fate is in our hands! You know the rules, if you defy us, you will be punished." The room grew deathly silent like they knew what is like to get punish, I had a feeling it wasn't pretty. "We will start tomorrow. Right now you all stay here for a while and chat, then get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow." Sally walked off the stage and out of the room leaving everyone with guards surrounding the doors.

"That's a nasty bruise you got there," the boy said getting my attention. I brought my hand to my face wincing as it touched my cheek; I forgot that it was there.

"Oh," I blushed "Is it that bad?" I asked, staring into his green eyes.

"I would be lying if I told you no, by the way my name is Harry," he reached into his pocket and lit another cigarette. I wrinkled my nose in disgust as the smoke went into my face.

"Luna," I said holding my hand waiting, for him to shake it. Harry shook my hand, my hands felt so small compared to his.

As we let go our hands I ask him, "Why is everything here white? I am starting to dislike the color."

Harry took a long puff of his cigarette before answering, "Well do you know the meaning of the color white?" I shook my head. "It means innocence because there are many innocent people dying everyday from the disease. It also means safety and they are trying their best to protect people from dying, which is fucked up because they will do anything to get that cure."

I digested all the information that Harry was telling me, "Anything?" I asked.

"Anything," he repeated not breaking eye contact with me. I felt like I was about to cry, I don't want to be here. My hand started to shake profoundly; I bit my lip to control the sobs that I wanted to let out.

"Time for bed!" One of the guards yelled, everyone got up and walked out the door including Harry. I saw Mason walking toward me with his hand out. I grabbed his hand and let him lead me back to my room. Once I got in my room I collapsed on the bed and started to break down in tears.


Authors Note:

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