Prologue: Friday Night (Tutorial)

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It was a nice Friday evening in the country of Japan. Many people were now heading back home from their jobs and others were getting ready for their night jobs. Others were preparing for parties and events. Some were getting dressed up for family reunions or gatherings. Some were just heading out with friends and family. Some were getting ready for bed while others were winding up their internal engine, awaiting for the night life to hit.

However, a single person was of interest out of the millions of people in Japan. A young man with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. His name was Y/N L/N or in this case for the sake of the traditions and customs in Japan, L/N Y/N.

Now what was so special about Y/N? Why him out of the tons of people in Japan? What makes him so unique?

Well nothing really. Y/N was just as ordinary as the next person is. Just a regular person living out his life. Why Y/N then? Well we could say fate has many plans for him in the future and he doesn't even know it. Many would consider him lucky but he might just see it as a curse.

Taking care of his sickly mother in a country he doesn't know on top of a language he isn't fully fluent in. That's already quite the chore but adding on what's to come is sure to put some extra stress onto him.

Y/N is from America who is temporarily living in Japan to take care of his mother who has tragically fallen immensely ill.

Already it sounds bad but fate will just add on to his list of worries.

Y/N is currently seen carrying a couple bags of groceries in one hand while walking on a side walk. He was typing rather fast on his phone. He seems to get angrier with each passing second. Curious? Don't worry, you'll find out what is in store for him and what he is getting upset with.


"OH GOD DAMN IT!" I yell out with bitter anger inside me. None of my texts are getting through to mom! She's such a worrywart even if she's bedridden right now.

I realise that I got multiple looks from people passing by. It didn't help that I shouted in English either. Whatever, not like I care about the opinions from people I don't know. All I care about is making sure mom is okay. I put my phone away and quickly walked faster to make sure that mom doesn't get any worse even if she started to somewhat recover a bit not too long ago.

A couple minutes later, I arrive to the place my mom resides. I pull out keys from my pocket before opening the front door. While doing so, I heard whispers. I couldn't make out what they were saying but they were tempting me. I look around and I get to urge to go back in to the direction I came from. No way! I have to take care of mom!

I step inside mom's residency but that only made the whispers louder somehow. I can't even tell what they are saying. Are they speaking in a different language? I quickly shake my head in an attempt to focus. Now is not the time to think about that Y/N! Your first priority is mom!

I set down the bags of groceries in the kitchen before rushing into mom's room.

"Hey mom!" I frantically shout when opening her door.

I saw her in her bed sleeping. She stirs in her sleep before finally stopping. She didn't wake up from my loud entrance.

"I guess everything is fine then," I quietly said as to not wake her up. She needs her beauty sleep. I just hope she took her medicine before falling to sleep.

I stealthy sneak out of mom's room and close the door without making a peep. Now what should I do? I guess I can start putting the groceries away.

During my task of storing the groceries to where they belong, the whispers came back and stronger than last time. This is starting to piss me off. Once I finished, I started to contemplate on whether or not I should go and see what the whispering is all about. I mean mom is asleep. It's best not to wake her up. I got nothing to do as well. Ah what the hell, I'll go. What's the worst that can happen?

Friday Night VTubin' (VTubers X Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat