Chapter 1: It's Your Funeral! (Week 1)

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It's been about a week after my first encounter with IRyS. Ever since then, she stuck around with her being inside me. I learned a lot about her as well. Like her being an incarnation of Hope. It makes sense. She always tells me to calm down and to have hope when I start freaking out over mom's condition. Not to put fear in anybody's hearts but I think she's getting worse now somehow.

"Hey, I promise she'll get better and recover from this. Just have hope alright!" is what IRyS always says to me. It does work on me but I don't know man. If things keep going the way it is, she might have to go to the hospital, again.

What doesn't help either is that the fact I'm always paranoid something not human will show up at the front door step. So far that hasn't happened yet but I'm sure it will.

Currently, I was heading out towards the grocery store again. I didn't need much as it was only few small items.

IRyS was busy singing a song to herself during the walk. When I was almost there, I walked by a woman with long pink hair and a mostly red jacket that was unzipped. She had on a hat with sunglasses on the hat. She had big drip that's for sure. We made eye contact when we went past each other. Something about her was off compared to the other people near by.

IRyS didn't seem to notice as she was mentally bouncing off the walls inside my head while singing. I guess it's good that she has a lot of energy. I felt the pink haired woman stop as she started to stare at me. I quickly walk faster until I made it to the grocery store.

IRyS's voice rang in my head, "Why did you speed up?"

Somebody in the crowd of people was giving me weird looks. Hope it wasn't for anything bad.

IRyS was slient before she responded, "You think it's time?"

What do you mean by that?

"You know, you finally meeting somebody or something not human," IRyS said.

I seriously hope not but then again, she looked human so I guess she might be one.

"Who?" IRyS asked with innocence.

I don't know who but she had pink hair that was pretty long, red jacket unzipped,red eyes, black hat with sunglasses.

I heard IRyS gasp in surprise by that description. "That is for sure somebody not human in the slightest."

"Eh?" I say out loud. Whatever I'm just going to get what I need and head out. When I was getting the things I need, I felt somebody watching me.

I felt a shiver go down my spine. This is getting uncomfortable. I rush to get all the items I needed and left the store. I of course paid.

I hurriedly went back to mom's place. I heard footsteps behind me every so often while going back. I walk even faster but the footsteps matched my speed.

"Are we being followed?" asked IRyS. She sounded rather terrified. I turned around but I saw nobody that looked suspicious.

"I think we are," I quietly said. I sprinted the rest of the way back. I opened the door and closed it with my back against it.

I catch my breath and went to put the bag on a table. Knocking was then heard on the door. Should I go see who that is?

"Delivery perhaps?" IRyS was also wondering as well. I open the door but nobody was there. I stepped out to see but nothing. Not a single soul was in sight. Though there were roses flying through the cool night air. They all flew away.

"Did I just get ding-dong ditched?" I ask in confusion. Suddenly, more roses came from behind me but before I could react, a strong grip was around my neck.

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