Chapter 4: Road Trip! (Week 4)

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And thus, here am I saying goodbye to mom for what seems to be for a long time. Yagoo said we were going to be gone for a long time, he didn't mention an exact date of return however. It's apparently important as he will announce our reason of doing this once I head to the headquarters of hololive.

"Sorry mom but I kinda have to go and do something urgent, I have no idea when I'll get back," I mentioned to mom shyly. I was standing outside the front door while my mom was somewhat confused but she just smiled at me. "Heh, no worries. Go do what you need to, I'll be fine on my own." My mom gave me the signature smile of a loving mother.

IRyS was right. Mom had recovered a little and she seems to be in good condition to take care of herself now. I just hope nothing bad happens to her while I'm gone. "Just remember to let me know how you're doing every now and then. You're still my son after all," she said. I chuckled. Yeah, a mother's instinct is one the strongest things on this planet.

"Well I gotta hurry up and go before I'm late, bye mom!" I start to walk away. "Take care! Have fun with your new friends!" She yelled out before closing the door. Wait, how does she know I made new friends? I guess it isn't that hard to piece together.

Oh speaking of which, I should probably mention this. IRyS isn't with me right now. She went back to her place to pack up her things so it was currently just me.

I begin my walking journey to the headquarters with a backpack and a suitcase in hand. The afternoon sun was hitting me which did infuriate me a little. It made my walk a little more painful than it usually is. Even with winter on the horizon, the city is still getting warm days. God damn, it feels like Florida right now.

A couple of minutes of just walking with the occasional event of me overhearing conversations of people passing by every now and then, I made it to the headquarters. I step inside and the cool air from the air conditioning hit me. I nearly plopped over on the ground. At the reception desk, A-chan was sitting down with some her belongings next to her.

I casually approached A-chan; she looked up at and smiled. "Ah L/N-san, glad to see you made it. Here, I'll show you the way to the auditorium," A-chan said. She got up and I followed her down a hallway. Looking farther ahead of us, I spot a familiar brown haired doggo and purple haired neko. They both had their stuff with them. There were also two people I didn't recognize, one having white hair and along with a big fluffy ass tail that was black at the tip of it. The other one had black hair that had a little bit of white at end of it.

What I noticed is that they both also had ears and not human ones. I meant ones that resembled animal ears on the top of their heads like Korone and Okayu. They all stopped at bigger looking doors before they stepped inside. Of couse, I also got there in a minute or two. Somebody was right outside. A girl with frog lanyard and a light green sweatshirt that matched the shade of green of the frog lanyard.

"In here L/N-san," A-chan said. The froggo girl greeted me cheerfully. "Hello! Thank you for coming! Sit wherever you like," she said as she held the door open. I awkwardly make way inside the auditorium. I see several heads with different hair colors, ranging from blue to white. It was quite frankly, a rainbow inside. I didn't see anybody I knew right now so I walked around until I found an empty seat.

I ended up sitting by myself which didn't bother me at all. I didn't really want to talk to anybody outside of the people I already knew. Why? Because...people. Socializing is overrated at times.

I just sat there, looking through my phone. I was just scrolling aimlessly; I wasn't really paying attention to what I was looking at. It was just to pass the time.

My peace went away when somebody sat next to me. A woman with long gray hair...and uhh lion ears? That's a new one. There's going to be so many faces and features I'm not going to be aware of. She had a couple of friends with her which sat as well. The other side of me was still empty.

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