Chapter 3: Train Wreck (Week 3)

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(A/N: Before you think anything, no Botan is not the opponent this week. That is until much, much, MUCH later. Oh and all of the gameplay this week is mine and this'll be the case for most of the time for the entire book. However, I unfortunately have potato internet where I am right now so best I can do is 480p quality I apologize for those on bigger screens. Once I have access to better internet, I'll sort out the video quality but for now, you can only get 480p. Most of Week 1 and 2 had their videos replaced with my own gameplay. Sorry for the inconvenience even though you're only here for the story! Also, I accidentally published this when I wasn't supposed to so umm yeah)


I was sitting on a couch looking through my phone. I had just made mom dinner so she's currently eating in her room. I was bored out of my mind. IRyS was busy doing....I don't know what since she's been silent. I don't think she's sleeping. It doesn't feel like it. A week has passed since my yubis were at stake from a dog and a cat.

I look up at the ceiling. It might be a boring night but it sure is a calm one. I feel like I'm forgetting something though. My phone dings with a notification. I check it and it was just Yagoo reminding everyone that the road trip was next week. It wasn't that I was forgetting. I been beating myself up for that for the past two weeks.

What I was actually forgetting was a text message I got five minutes later. It was from Yagoo.

'Hope you're ready to meet the other four of holostars EN. I sent them the message that you would be meeting them tonight. Here's the address of the train station stop they'll be dropped off at,' it read. Ah, that. I completely forgot about it by Sunday. At least I have something to do now. I get up and get dressed. Once I finished, IRyS finally spoke up.

"Eh? What? What's happening?" IRyS drowsily asks. I guess she was asleep after all.

We're going to the train station so I could meet the rest holostars EN. Got to know who I'm working with here.

IRyS just yawns in response. IRyS then begin to sing. She likes doing that but I'm not going to stop her. It fills the silence and she's a good singer.

I knock on mom's door. She was eating before she looked up at me. She swallowed and she spoke, "Is there something you need sweetie?"

"No, I was just going to tell you I'm heading out. Put your empty dish on your night stand so I can clean it once I get back. I don't want you getting up and moving around in your condition," I say. "Thank you!" She says. I walk away from her room and go outside.

I shiver as I feel the cool night air touch my skin. It wasn't cold per say but it wasn't warm either. There was a nice breeze as well. Perfect conditions for a good night walk. "Somebody is appreciating their night," IRyS said. Yeah how could you not? There are not many of these types of nights throughout the year. Getting one is a treat. IRyS playfully rolls her eyes, "I know, I know. I was just teasing you."

I briskly walk towards the location of the train station. Not a word was spoken between the two of us. All that was heard was the ambience of the night life of the city and the chattering of people passing by. It was calming to say the least. The wind blew in a gentle way. Any worries one might have would vanish into thin air. The stars sparkled ever so brightly in the night time sky. The full moon shined in a glorious way to comfort those who were not feeling themselves. The moonlight reflected off the windows of buildings which showed the moon's smile. The city looked so enthralling tonight and it was simply breath-taking.

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