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It was a long night, Blue and Fell had

spent their evening out with their

friends, Alphys, Undyne and Papyrus.

The five of them had gone out to

Muffet’s new restaurant on the

surface as it was christmas eve and

now all of them were at Fell and

Blue’s house. The monsters were not

quite used to Christmas as all they

had celebrated in the past around

that time of year was Gyftmas (which

Fell preferred) but decorating for it

was quite fun. The two of them had

spent the past week decorating the

house the human way, including a

mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.

Fell had been actively avoiding the

hallway where it hung, teleporting

just to not go past it. He personally

didn’t like the tradition, even if it

meant he might get an extra kiss

from Blue. Blue also seemed to make

sure no one was there when he

passed through the hallway. It was

just a strange part of the human

holiday. Chara and Asgore arrived

not long after the five of them arrived

home. The house was packed, there

was barely enough space to move

downstairs, but it was nice. At least

for the first few hours. Fell started to

feel antsy by the time people were

setting up their beds on the living

room floor. But it would only be for a

day, he thought as he walked

mindlessly through the hallway

towards his room. He bumped into

Blue, who also seemed to not be

paying attention. Neither of them

were sure what emotion they felt

when they realized they were in the

hallway. Fell looked up slowly, Blue’s

eyes following his. They were

directly standing underneath the

mistletoe. Fell started to scootch past

Blue with a quiet “sorry” when Blue

grabbed him by the arms. He stared

at Blue, who was obviously flustered

too. Blue leaned forward and gave

Fell a peck on the forehead. He was

just about to let him go when Fell

leaned forward too and said “You

missed.” before kissing Blue on the

mouth. He seemed shocked for a

moment before sinking into the kiss

as well. 

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