fever (angst warning)

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ANGST  WARNING (mentions of the geno route and wounds)

Stupid humans. Only a few times had

Blue had to deal with someone in his

house getting sick, but it had never

been this bad. Apparently Fell wasn’t

taking care of his chest wound well

enough, and it had gotten infected.

He hadn’t noticed at all, Fell didn’t

even seem off until a few nights ago,

when he had worn a white shirt to

bed and it got soaked in blood. If that

wasn’t bad enough, Blue had seen the

wound itself when Fell was

frantically changing out of the white

shirt when he thought Blue wasn’t

asleep. Apparently old habits die

hard and Fell still hadn’t gotten used

to asking for help. So now they were

here, with Fell lying in bed with a

fever. That morning Fell simply

couldn’t get out of bed, and when

Blue checked his temperature he was

burning hot. He had told Blue that it

would be alright and that Blue should

go to work without him, but Blue was

determined to make sure that he was

ok. He had made Fell some soup and

hot tea, which Fell drank and ate

gingerly. And now Blue was doing

some work around the house as Fell

was asleep. Or at least he thought he

was, a door quietly creaked and Blue

saw Fell, fully dressed, making his

way down the stairs. “What are you

doing out of bed?” Fell mumbled

something, grabbing his house key

from off the wall. “What did you

say?” “‘m goin to my station boss. Just

like you told me.” Blue was utterly

confused. “Fell.” He turned to look at

Blue. “Yeah…?” His eyes were half

closed, and he squinted them to try to

make out Blue’s face. “...wait.. You’re

not Boss..” Blue felt too bad to laugh.

This fever seemed like it had made

Fell delusional. Or at least made him

forget about everything since leaving

underfell. “Blue?” Fell’s eyes widened

“Mhm.” Blue replied, still worried

about his partner.”Are you real?” “Of

course I am!” he responded back not 

sure of how to feel. “Heh,” Fell looked

around confused “I guess I should go

back to bed then..” He turned around

slowly and stumbled his way up the

stairs. Blue put down what he was

doing to help Fell up the stairs. He

helped Fell change out of his hoodie

and sweater into a black tanktop.

Blue, despite himself, found himself

staring at Fell’s wound. He had one

much like it himself, it had never

fully healed either for reasons but he

hadn’t seen it like this before. “How

did it get this bad?” He asked Fell, as

he held up the tanktop. Fell pushed it

the rest of the way down. “Things

happen.” He said, brushing off his

shirt. “I just never got around to

cleaning it up, I used to, trust me, but

I stopped caring. And well..” He

looked up at Blue, with a glazed look

in his eyes. “I had a dream recently. It

all happened again, and once I woke

up, it was bleeding again.”  Blue

nodded. “Why did you stop taking

care of it?” Fell sighed “I don’t really

want to talk about it.” He sat down on

the bed and got under the covers.

Blue started to walk out of the room

with an “I love you.” Just before he

left the room Fell called out to him

“Blue?” Blue looked back at him.

“Hmm?” “Can you stay with me?”

Blue nodded happily and joined him

on the bed. He laid down next to him,

looking at the ceiling. The two of

them laid in silence, Blue looked over

at Fell who was watching him

happily. He raised his “eyebrow” “I

love you a lot.” Fell said, turning

towards him. “Why?” Blue asked,

almost teasingly. “Because you care

so much.” Fell smiled, reached over

and pulled Blue close. Blue put his

arms around Fell, hugging him

despite how hot it was. Blue clanked

his teeth against Fell’s, who pulled it

into a kiss with a slight giggle. Pulling

away, Blue set his head against Fell’s

chest, who sighed happily, In peace,

the two of them fell asleep. 

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