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It was late New Year’s eve and

everyone of the monsters had

gathered in a big venue to celebrate.

It seemed like everyone was there,

even Gerston had come out of his

shop. Blue and Fell were sitting

against the wall, watching everyone

passing by. It had been an exciting

day and Fell was quite tired. Blue, of

course, still didn’t seem out of energy

but he rather not leave Fell all alone

to try and get his energy back. Sooner

or later the dances would start and

neither of them wanted to miss that,

whether that be sarcasm or not. Fell

insisted he didn’t know how to

dance, but Blue wanted to anyway.

He said it didn’t matter if it looked

good or not, it just mattered that they

had fun. So, Fell resigned to rest up a

bit so he could dance. Most of the

adult monsters hadn’t held back on

drinking a bit so no doubt they

wouldn’t be the only ones who

danced awkwardly (Blue, however,

did not drink and never would and

thus had convinced Fell to stop his

drinking habit- which, through Fell’s

dedication to Blue, he had stopped

sometime last year) Soon the music

started up in full blast and the two of

them got up. Fell stretched and took

Blue by the hand. He was surprised

by Fell’s eagerness but gladly

conceded. Once in the middle of the

dance floor Fell just sort of stood

there awkwardly, looking at

everyone else for a second before

looking at Blue. “How do you…” Blue

shrugged, moving along with the

music, “You just have to get into the

music I guess!” Fell sighed, “I don’t

even know this song.” Blue smiled

“Doesn’t matter if you know it or not,

just do whatever you want!” Fell

smiled back and took Blue’s hand

again, spinning him around before

grabbing him by the waist and

bowing with him as though they

were doing a waltz of sorts. As he

pulled Blue back up again he grinned

and brought him to his side to dance.

Both of them had begun to get into

the music when they noticed there

was an odd silence, yes the music

was still playing but the chatter

around them had stopped. Fell

opened his eyes to make sure

everyone hadn’t left to see everyone

watching them. “Don’t take your eyes

off me,” Fell whispered, “Just pretend

no one is watching.” He said,

spinning Blue around again with his

other hand. Blue, of course looked

around, but quickly looked back at

Fell with a smile. “I think they’re

jealous.” He joked, “Of what?” “Of

you.” Fell stumbled but turned it into

a dip “No no, they’re jealous of both

of us.” this time it was blue’s turn to

stumble, falling into Fell who didn’t

prop him up, instead embracing him

as the music turned into a slower

song, He pulled both of them into a

slow circle, gently reaching around

his back into a more comfortable

position. The two of them swayed for

a while, before stopping, separating

but rejoining to hold each other's

hands as they walked off the dance


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