after the confession

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Set in underfell:

Yes, the two of them had slept in the

same bed many times, but this was

the first time they had slept together

as partners. Both of them were

nervous, the other could tell. But they

had done this before so what was

there to worry about? Fell pulled the

covers over Blue, listening to the

sound of Papyrus clattering around

downstairs angrily. He had been

more angry in general after Blue had

started to live with Fell permanently.

Who knows what he’d think if he

knew that they were dating now. The

yelling was one of the many reasons

he would never tell Papyrus

anything. But that didn’t matter to

him now, Papyrus was decently

scared of Blue. Blue snuggled against

Fell cozily, who awkwardly returned

the gesture. He was scared, honestly,

worried that Blue would think of

them differently now that they were

more than friends. Blue however was

extremely glad about this

advancement. He had had feelings

for Fell before the other had told him

about his feelings and he was happy

to not have to suffer in silence

anymore. It was quite cute how Fell

had confessed to him also,

whispering it into an echo flower and

telling Blue to listen. He had

responded back into the echo flower

and it was said and done. Fell

couldn’t believe that he liked him

back, it just felt too good to be true.

But it was true, and now they were

here, cuddling each other under the

blankets. The low rumble of a purr

escaped from Fell who tried to quiet

it. Blue looked up at him with a

slightly smug smile on his face. Fell’s

face turned bright red and he looked

away, just to have Blue grab his face

and turn it back towards him, pulling

him into a kiss. Fell had had kisses

before, but this was so much

different. This felt pure, pure love.

Actual true love, not just a desperate

attempt to create love between two

monsters who could stand each

other. Fell giggled, thinking of the

King. “What are you giggling about?”

Blue asked, pulling away. “Nothing,

just remembered something.” Fell

responded happily, going back in to

continue the kiss. Blue returned it,

the two of them lying entangled

together. A moment that seemed like

it could last forever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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