Ch 9 - Dinner with the Gotham City Sirens

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After she wiped her shoulder with a wet paper towel, and pulled on Ivy's green sweater, Marinette opened the bathroom door.

A woman wearing a black leather jacket was climbing through the living room's open window.

Marinette jumped back in surprise and hid behind the door before they noticed her.

"Hey girlies~" the woman purred.

"Well, would ya look what the cat dragged in." Harley handed the woman a glass of cheap box wine. "Just in time for take-out and big girl drinks."

The woman scoffed. "I'm the cat that dragged herself in, thank you very much."

"Did you see my text?" Ivy asked.

"Sure did. Where's the little French kitten? Is her shoulder okay?"

Ivy and Harley shared a look.

"Well, let's just say that there's been an unusual turn of events," said Ivy. "But maybe you'll be able to help her? You know, considering your husband's...connections and his night job."

"What happened-"

Marinette took a deep breath. She opened the bathroom door and stepped towards the table that the three women were gathered around.

"Oh! There she is!" Ivy exclaimed. "Marigold, come meet Selina."

Selina reached out her hand as Marinette sat down in an empty chair. "You must be Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I've heard from my husband that you're the French transfer student who won the Wayne Foundation scholarship to Gotham Academy."

"Y-yes, I am," Marinette said as she shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I don't know if you've had the chance to meet him, but my son also attends Gotham Academy. His name is Damian Wayne."

"You're Damian's mother?"

"Well, technically stepmother, but I love him as if he were my own son. So, I'm guessing that you saw him today?"

Marinette's face brightened with a smile. "Yes! Damian and I are friends!"

"F-friends? Damian has school friends?" Ivy asked. Her eyes opened wide in surprise.

"We sit beside each other in a lot of classes," Marinette began to ramble. "I think that the teachers were purposely seating us together because Damian speaks French and I sometimes need help translating the English words in our textbooks. And we're lab partners! I also learned that he's an amazing artist while we were both drawing during the after-school creative arts club."

Selina pursed her lips as she studied Marinette. "You remind me a lot of his childhood friend, Jon. I can actually imagine you and Damian becoming good friends."

"Speaking of Damian, I'm pretty sure that the kid would be distraught by how much yummy chicken we got in these takeout bags," said Harley chuckled.

"Is Damian a vegetarian?" Marinette asked. "I saw him eating a spinach salad with chickpeas for lunch."

"He is," Ivy said proudly.

"Wait, aren't you vegan, Ivy?" Marinette asked in panic. "Is it okay if I eat chicken in front of you?"

"Don't worry, Marigold." Ivy laughed. "I've grown a lot since my villain days. Humans need food to survive. Although I would love for everyone in the world to become vegan, I can't force people to make that lifestyle change. Especially chicken lovers like Harls. I'm okay with it, as long as we do our best to avoid pointless waste and environmental harm."

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