Funeral of a cake

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Rafaella POV

"Oh please ride the bike carefully. By chance i have 206 bones in my body" my friend and i were riding a bike to university she is always scared when i am riding it but still sits with me.
"Ooh really? By chance i also have 206 bones" i replied to her as i increase the speed.
"Last time you jumped from the bike and my bones were almost broken from accident" she reminded me of a little accident that happened when i newly started riding the bike. It was that day i hit my bike with a mail box.
"Thats because you are lazy"
"Aah! Aah slow down Rafaella i swear to god"
She is yelling in my ear and hold me tight. God this girl is such a coward
"Chill Sasha we are almost there" i told her as soon as i saw our college gates

Parking my bike in parking area we walk towards our classroom. "I cant wait for the birthday party tonight " Sasha said in excitement.
Its Jazzy's birthday today and she is throwing having party in her house. Everyone is invited. Isabella took car with her and will come straight after her class gets over so we don't have to go back an forth here and there.
"She said she wont come to school today" i told my best friend. "She said she wanted to look fresh and school will make her tired. "

"Oh look Mr. Smith's pet's here" my friend pointed towards Adwin as he came riding his bike and parking next to me giving me disgust look as of i have puke all over me. And than walk inside of college building.

Mr. Smith also happen to be my father's cousin. He is amazing professor in chemistry. And one of the best teacher in our department.
" This injurious, professor's pet. Always complaining about me." I spoke furiously "Always appear like Angel of death. I hate him so much. "
We were walking inside the building.

"Come-on Rafaella! He is so nice, and handsome." She said like he is the only person in whole universe.
"No definitely not, he is a snake, always complaint Mr. Smith and my dad about me and my sister. " Sasha started glaring at me
"But..." I stop walking now and glared at her
"No but just shut it already" i said and walk straight to my class.


I parked my bike opposite to cake shop and asked Sasha to wait for me. We planned to go early and surprise Jazzy with birthday cake and get ready there.
I walk towards my bike after buying the cake and all of a sudden i hear Sasha scream. "Watch out Rafaella!!! ".
And i dropped the cake and run towards her opposite me came Adwin in his bike and rode the bike on cake. Ruining the whole cake. "What the hell Adwin?? Can't you see?"
I look at the cake box lying on street in disbelieve. It was completely messed up. Picking it up i showed Adwin what he has done to it.
"What is this? " He asked. He sure have some nerves.
"Funeral of a cake. This is what it is" i was now fuming. "Awe man its completely ruined now." He smirked at me.
"You know what got ruined? Its us from the day your family start living next to ours." I said poking my finger at his chest.
"Oh please! Stop with this bulshit. " He looked at me annoyingly. " Oh you jobeless monkey give me money of this cake. " he have no idea what he is putting himself into.
"No iam not i didnt do anything stop being pain in ass i have other important stuff to do than look at your face. " He starts his bike.
"Oh look Sasha who is lying? You were the one coming nonstop riding your bike as if your ass is on fire". There is no way he is going without money. I put the cake box in front of him and told him to get me a new cake and deliver it at Jazzy's address right away.
"You know he is going to complain to your father about this" my friend remind me.
"Ooh what other things he have to do other than backbite to my father and uncle. " I glared at him.

"If i was going to backbite i would have done the same day you went on movie date with Sam. Lying to your father that you were doing combine studies at your friend house. What a shame." He said reminding me of that day when he saw us at the theatre.
"Oh just shut up" i yelled at him and start my bike.
"Lets go Sasha! " I said to my friend and he mimic my voice. 


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