Getting caught up

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Adwin POV.

I have never seen someone so obstinate. The moment she said that i should get her cake delivered at her friend house i wanted to smash this one on her face. And now here I am clapping and singing her friend Happy birthday and doing sarcastic clapping
"Here Adwin take our pictures" Rafaella handed me the camera. Now what am i the cameraman.

After taking pictures of every kind of poses my phone rang and it was Mr. Wilson, Rafaella's father. I accept the call " Hello! Uncle, how are you doing? " I said
"I am good, i just wanted to ask if your car is available i needed to go somewhere important" . "Well right now i am not at home but i will ask dad to give car keys to you he must be home by now" i informed him.
"Yeh my daughters took the car with them to their friends house for combine study"
What?? No way. A mischievous smile appear on my face and an idea clicked on my head.
"Its okay uncle dont worry i am calling dad as soon as i end this call. "
Wow Rafaella wow!

. . .

The party was pretty much over. And everyone left except us.
"Guys iam leaving! " Rafaella announced. Her sister stuffing her mouth with cheetos as there is no tomorrow or if company will stop selling them tomorrow. I laughed silently.

After a while i stood up to leave "Where you going?" My friend asked.
"I guess iam leaving too."  I said. This party was over already. There was no point of staying anyway.
"Adwin" someone called me. I turn around and Jazzy came walking towards me. "Give this to Rafaella she forgot this." I looked at the camera in her hand. "What? No damn way. I am not taking this with me, you can give it to her tomorrow." I told her and turn around to leave. "Why tomorrow when you just live next door and can give it to her." She said annoyingly.
Perfect i guess. This is good chance for me to take revenge for cake. "Fine i will give her." I gave her sweet smile.

. . .

Rafaella POV.

Mum and me were in kitchen cleaning when i heard Isabella screaming from her room
"Aaah! " Damn what is wrong with her.
"What happened? " Mum asked her as she enter our room getting worried.
"Rafaella look at this" Isabella showed me a picture on her phone of her stuffing her mouth with cheetos someone at the party uploaded it.
"You guys where at the party?? " My mum sounded mad. "Saying that you had to study at your friend house? Shame on you. Shame on my daughters. Now you will see once your dad find out about this."
I glared at my sister who can't keep her mouth shut.
The door bell rang and i walk towards the door. "It must be Adwin. He have the camera" my sister informed me.
As i got near the door i see camera in my dad's hands and my eyes widened. "Why you have Rafaella's camera? " He asked Adwin.
"I gave him for his project. " I said as i walk towards them. "What project? " My dad asked. He started going through the pictures. "When did you go to a party weren't you at your friend house for studies? " Dammit i am screwed.
He looked at me with angry face and looked behind me.
"Where is Isabella? " My dad asked and went inside and he look really angry.
I see Adwin smirking when i glared at him. He started sniffing around. "You smell something? Or someone? BURNING?" Ugh! I am going to kill him. He turn around and left. Now me and my sister are going to be grounded.

"Now both of you are going to do this? " My dad started. "I trusted you both so much" he paused and looked at us. " Both of you are abstain for two weeks of pocket money." He said and rub his forefinger and thumb on bridge of nose.
What? No! How am i going to survive two weeks without money.
"I am sorry dad its all my fault." I appologized him. "Isabella i didn't expect this from you I know Rafaella can be cunning and mischievous but you are sensible. You could have stopped her." Dad gave her disappointed look.
"Iam sorry dad it wont happen again." Isabella said.
"And you Rafaella, give me your bike keys no more riding a bike now."

. . .

"I told you Rafaella not to enter loin's den." We were talking to our friend on video call. "You write my words down that Adwin Collins is going to die from my bare hands." I was now fuming. 
"It's not his fault. I asked him to bring the camera." I glared my sister. "Yes i agree with her. You forgot the camera yesturday and i gave it to him." Jazzy said from screen she is now doing some crunches exercise. "I am only scared about the pocket money. How am i going to live two weeks without it." Isabella said holding her head between her hands. "Dont worry i will think about something." We talk a little and than ended the call.

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