Cooking Classes

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Isabella POV.

Last night dad was pissed at both of us. I dont get it that was just a joke. He has no sense off humor. And now Rafaella should apologize Adwin for her behaviour. Poor Rafaella.
I was in kitchen helping mum making breakfast. I didn't had any class today. So this was good time to spend at home.
"What are you doing Isabella? This is how you cut the onions for omelette?" My mother eyes widened at the onions i cut in random squares. "Well now they are cut." After making omelettes i set the table and everyone joined.

"Rafaella you know what i asked you last night?" My dad reminded her. "Yes i do." Rafaella said looking at her plate.
"I have asked Adwin to join us here before leaving for university. And he will also go with us in car." Her face drop from hearing.
After few minutes Adwin walk inside. "Good morning uncle and aunt." He said enthusiastically.  
"Good morning son. Come join us." Dad said with a smile.
"Nah its ok i will wait in car." He said and turn around.
"Sorry Adwin." Rafaella said looking anywhere but him.
"You are talking to me?" He looked at her. "Say a little louder i didn't hear you."
Rafaella was trying to control her outburst.
"Iam sorry Adwin Collins. Hope you forgive me." Sarcasm was on peak. I pat on her shoulder before she say another word.
"Oh Its okay. Rafaella!"  he said and left.
"I'll go get my backpack." Rafaella said and went to her room. While i help my mother with cleaning the table. Dad and Rafaella left already.

"I will cook tonights dinner." I told my mother. "Really? You have any idea what you going to cook? You don't even know how to cook in first place." My mother said.
"Yeah i will look on internet." My mother rise an eyebrow but kept quite.

I started gathering ingredients which were required. It says to fry the marinated chicken till golden brown. And I did exactly that but hot oil start poping. Splashing the oil everywhere and than it landed on my hand. Damn it I drop the bowl on floor and splash water on my burn but it got worse.
"What in the world you did Isabella!" My mother came running in the kitchen.
"I told you that you don't know how to cook. Now where is the ointment?" She started searching the drawers and then went out for first aid box.
"I can't find it let me ask Mrs. Collins." I was trying my best to control myself from crying in pain.
Mrs. Collins and Edward came rushing in kitchen all worried. "Let me help." Edward said while applying ointment on my hand.
"Oof. " I winced. "What were you doing? " He asked all serious face.
"Cooking i guess which i failed terriblely. " I half laughed. But he didn't. Instead of that he was looking at me so intensely as if he is mad or i cant guess.
"Frying anything in hot oil you should have been very careful." Mrs Collins said.
"Yeah i just didnt realize." I said and blowing a little on my burn. "This was her first time cooking something and see the result." My mother said. "We i guess i than have to find someone who loves cooking." I said sarcastically.
"Ooh cooking is not that hard i can give you cooking classes just come to my house." Mrs. Collins said and put her hand on my shoulder. "That would be just great." I said with a smile.
"I'll make some tea please sit down." My mother said.
"Ah its ok I'll make." Edward said. Why he have to act so nice.
"Just tell me where are the things Isabella." Both our mothers left the kitchen leaving me alone with him.
"So how you do this cooking so easily?" I asked him. Taking out tea cups and saucers from one of the cabnet.
"What is so hard in that all you have to do is move your hands and common sense." He said with a smile.
"And how you do that such a hard subject human psychology?" He asked me. So he knows what I am studying.
"What is so hard in that all you have to use is your brain." I said. 
"Exactly! Now you see how you are so comfortable in your work but real fun is when you get out of that comfort zone and try other stuff for skills." He said. And add the tea powder in boiling water mixing it a little and turn the flame low.
"Now you are saying that i should stop this psychology and start taking cooking classes?" I said.
"Ah no not like that. I was talking about myself that i should start my master degree soon, what you say?" Edward said.
"Really that would be great i can help you." I said as i takeout the tea cups.
"Really? That will mean alot to me." He said.
"Yeah i have no problem." I said.
"Well won't you have problem with your studies?" He looked worried. "Don't worry I'll manage." I said and his eyes sparkle like a kid got his candy. The tea was ready and he pour it into the cups. "Tell me more about yourself. " He asked while cleaning the countertop.
We talk for a while. He told me about himself that he learn the cooking from his mother and owning a restaurant can be hectic but he love his work. He also asked me to try his dishes which I agree that I would once I visit his restaurant.

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