Chongyun ; p.17

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Hello everyone!! Sorry for being pretty inactive this week... i have been busy with school and didnt have much time to write a guide... so i'll post 2-3 guides this week instead of 1-2 per week :D today i'll present to you a chongyun guide (yay my favorite 4 star) and a few days later i'll put out a guide on kazuha (since i forgot to do one for him during 2.8 oops) anyways lets go :D

Chongyun is a 4 star Cryo Claymore Sub-DPS/Burst-DPS character that is the only character in the whole game that provides cryo infusion and deals good damage with his low cost burst. He shines in melt and freeze teams.

 He shines in melt and freeze teams

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1 ; Shivada Jade Silver9 ; Shivada Jade Fragment9 ; Shivada Jade Chunk6 ; Shivada Jade Gemstone(Dropped by Cryo Regisvine, Twin Vishaps, Maguu Kenki, Cryo Hypostasis and Aeon Blightdrake)

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1 ; Shivada Jade Silver
9 ; Shivada Jade Fragment
9 ; Shivada Jade Chunk
6 ; Shivada Jade Gemstone
(Dropped by Cryo Regisvine, Twin Vishaps, Maguu Kenki, Cryo Hypostasis and Aeon Blightdrake)

168 ; Cor Lapis
(Liyue Local Specialty)

18 ; Damaged Mask
30 ; Stained Mask
36 ; Ominous Mask
(Dropped by Hillichurls)

46 ; Hoarfrost Core
(Dropped by Cryo Regisvine)

420 ; Hero Wits
2.1 million ; Mora
(These are estimated amounts)

1 million ; Mora(These are estimated amounts)

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The talent materials is the total amount in order to get level 10 on all three skills.

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