Cursed by an Evil Witch at Birth

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The opening credits role in and the opening chorus begins to sing.

Chorus: I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam. And I know it's true that visions are seldom all it seems. But, if I know you, I know what you'll do; you'll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream.

Then, a jaunty little tune follows after the chorus. Then, the jaunty little tune suddenly takes a turn for the romantic. Then, the romantic musical theme turns into a marching theme. Then, the marching theme took a turn for the regal and started to sound as though it was meant for royalty.

The musical themes finally end as Wizardmon, the narrator, takes the stage and starts to read from the story book of 'Sleeping Beauty'.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: In a faraway land long ago, there lived a king and his fair queen. Many years, they longed for a child, and finally their wish was granted. A daughter was born. They called her Hikari, 'Kari' for short.

Opening Chorus: Sweet Hikari.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: Yes, they named her after the forces of light for she truly was the light of their lives. Then, a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom, so that all of high or low estate might pay homage to the infant princess. And our story begins on that most joyful day.

Chorus: On that joyful day, on that joyful day, joy, glory, now to our princess, we come bringing gifts and all good wishes to we pledge our loyalty and who. Hail to the Princess Hikari. All of her subjects adore her. Hail to the king, hail to the queen. Hail to the Princess Hikari. Health to the princess, wealth to the princess. Long live the Princess Hikari.

The guests of the assembly then start to march on into the king and queen's castle.

Chorus (continued): Hail, Hikari. Hail, Hikari. Health to the princess, wealth to the princess. Long live the Princess Hikari. Hail to the king, hail to the queen. Hail to the Princess Hikari.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: Thus, on this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long-awaited royal birth, and Good King Susumu and his Queen Yuuko made welcome their lifelong friend.

The heralds' trumpets sound to signify the arrival of the lifelong friend of King Susumu and Queen Yuuko, a recently remarried queen with a young son who are introduced by Elecmon, the reader of the attendees list.

Elecmon: Their royal highnesses, Queen Natusko, better known as 'Queen Nancy', and Prince Takeru, better known as Prince T.K..

Nancy and her son arrive to greet her friends and their infant daughter. Young Prince T.K. bows to his mother's friends.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: Fondly had these monarchs dreamed one day that their kingdoms to unite. Thus, today would they announce that T.K., Natsuko's son and heir, to Susumu and Yuuko's daughter would be betrothed.

Queen Nancy and Queen Yuuko hug one another. Then, Nancy presents her son, Prince T.K., to Yuuko and her husband, Susumu. Then, Nancy sends T.K. over to take a nice, little look at the infant princess.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon (continued): And, so to her, his gift, he brought. And, looked unknowing on his future bride.

The herald trumpets sound once more, and then a light comes in through the room. The final invitees are arriving. Elecmon is ready to read the final names from his list.

Elecmon: Their most honored and exalted excellencies, the three good fairies.

Then, the three good fairies make their appearances to the floor one after another.

Elecmon (continued): Mistress Mimi Tachikawa,

Mimi Tachikawa is all dressed in forest green and beige. Elecmon continues with the other two that followed her.

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