Kari's First Meeting with Her Prince

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Meanwhile in the forest with Kari, she is vocalizing a pretty little tune. The forest animals all recognize her as she walked by all of them, vocalizing like a songbird. Lots of birds join in her vocalizing and a few squirrels and some rabbits even joined her on her walk. Then, an owl wakes up from its sleep during the day just to join in with Kari's beautiful vocalization.

Kari is completely unaware of it right now, but her vocalizations are even being heard in the distance by a young man in addition to her animal friends. The young man is riding on his horse-like companion when he first hears Kari's vocalizations, but he gets a pretty good listening to of her voice.

Young Man: You hear that, Pegasusmon? Beautiful, isn't it? What is it?

The young man's horse friend, this Pegasusmon, has wings just like his namesake, and bears tiny orange batwing-like ears, hooves and a facial snout made of solid gold, a mane and a tail of a bleach blonde color, and is golden orange in color. He can even talk a bit.

Pegasmon/Pegusumon: I have no idea what you're talking about, T.K.. I heard nothing.

Pegasusmon tries to tell a little white lie to his human friend, but T.K. does not buy this lie.

Takeru 'T.K.' Takaishi: Come on, let's find out.

Pegasusmon, however, is not as willing to go observe.

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: I don't care how pretty you think it is, I don't wanna go see it, whatever it is. It's probably not even real at all.

The vocalizing just continues on T.K.'s ears, however, and he seems to be trapped by it.

Takeru 'T.K.' Takaishi: Aw, come on, not even for a snack or two?

Pegasusmon suddenly gets into the idea with T.K.'s bribes.

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: Alright, I'm sold. Let's go get a better listen to whatever it is.

Takeru 'T.K.' Takaishi: Hup, boy.

T.K. and Pegasusmon are on their way to see what the beautiful sound is. They start to listen once again to it and at least hear where it was coming from. Unfortunately, however, on the way there, Pegasusmon flies up while doing a few figure eights. One of which results in his human friend, T.K., falling right off of Pegasusmon and right into the river. When the horse-like creature looks back upon his human friend, T.K. is seething in enough anger for that to simply dry him off from the river water.

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: I'm_ really_ very sorry_ about_ that_ T.K..

But, T.K. is still far too seething in anger at his horse-like companion's figure eights. In fact, he is so angry with Pegasusmon that when the horse-like creature tries to help his human friend back up, T.K. only splashes some of the river water at poor Pegasusmon in his rage.

Takeru 'T.K.' Takaishi: Now, there will be no snacks.

Meanwhile with the owner of the mysterious siren-like voice, Kari is still walking with her animal friends, when the forest animals' noble and just leader who resembles an Egyptian sphinx shows up just in time to greet the girl.

Forest Animals' Leader: Welcome back, my dear. Oh my, how you've grown.

Hikari 'Kari' Yagami/Kamiya: Oh yes, Lady Nefertimon. In fact, I've been thinking a lot recently about my life and right now...

Kari then starts to sing.

Hikari 'Kari' Yagami/Kamiya (continued): I wonder, I wonder, I wonder why each animal has a someone to sing to, sweet things to, a sweet little love melody. I wonder, I wonder if my heart keeps singing, will my song go winging to someone who'd find me, and bring back a love song to me?

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