Operation: Rescue Prince TK

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Nefertimon, Mimi, Catherine and Yolei all make to the forbidden mountain by the next night. The three good fairies try to hide in plain sight by shrinking themselves down to the size of ordinary flies. Meanwhile, Nefertimon comes to the stable where Laylamon and her minions are holding Pegasusmon hostage. She sees her old friend, Wizardmon, tending to Pegasusmon's wounds as well his food and water needs.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: There you go, my friend. I hope you like your snacks to not be stale, and I brought you some fresh water that hasn't been contaminated by the sludge and mold around here. I know you prefer it to how you were treated when you and Prince T.K. first arrived here together this time yesterday, Pegasusmon.

Pegasusmon is more than grateful to Wizardmon's catering to his desires and aiding the healing of the horse-like creature's wounds.

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: Thank you, Wizardmon. You're very kind. In fact, you are the only who has been this nice to both T.K. and myself during our forced stay in this prison of isolation. Within only one day, you have already become my favorite warden guard here. I will never forget your kindness to us both.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: A friend of mine once told me that a little bit of kindness, no matter how small or to whom, can go a long way. This friend taught me that all creatures have good inside them, although I have my doubts about Laylamon.

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: That's another thing I notice in you; you don't refer to Laylamon with the title of 'my lady' like all her other minions. Why is that?

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: I am fully aware that I do not exactly look it, but I am not really on her side. I am only here to help my true employer who is another friend of mine bring her to justice for her crimes against the forces of good. But you heard nothing of that from me.

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: My lips are sealed, my newest ally.

Suddenly, the two of them hear a female's voice come from out of nowhere.

Feminine Voice: But I don't know if I could handle keeping my mouth shut about this information.

Wizardmon grows fearful that it is Laylamon coming to punish him for not joining in on the celebration soon enough. But as luck still smiles upon him, it turns out to be someone else entirely. Nefertimon steps out of the fog and into their sight.

Nefertimon: Hello again, my old friend.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: I thought you were going to be Laylamon, looking to punish me for not joining the celebration.

Pegasusmon is quite happy to see his beloved here providing a light to cut through the fog.

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: You're here.

Nefertimon: My love!

They start to fly to one another with shining tears in their heart-shaped eyes, but the chain which is connected to his hoof suddenly yanks on poor Pegasusmon as he starts to keel back down to the floor in agony.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon: Are you alright, Pegasusmon?

Wizardmon pulls the chain's iron band off of his hoof a little to make sure that nothing is too broken. Luckily, Wizardmon finds nothing but a sore spot on Pegasusmon's ankle.

Wizarmon/Wizardmon (continued): Bad news, you won't be able to walk for some time; good news, it will only be a few hours before you're all healed up, and you can still fly. Just don't push yourself too hard.

Nefertimon: Are you sure that he won't need a physician or any type of doctor, Wizardmon?

Pegasmon/Pegasusmon: How do know this mysterious being, Nefertimon?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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