Laylamon's Cursed Prophecy is Realized

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Meanwhile back in the same forest into which T.K. and Pegasusmon have now flown, the three good fairies are bringing Kari home to where she was born. Mimi, Catherine and Yolei may be worried about Laylamon's forces getting a hold of her, but right now Kari is a lot more concerned with her own heartbreak to care about any potential danger.

They are all making sure to be careful within the forest on their way to the kingdom. They bring Kari all the way back to the palace, but Kari holds her head down the whole way back to the palace. They sneak past everything in at the gates. But Kari just continues to feel depressed about her heartbreak.

As soon as they reach the palace, they lead Kari into a chamber all the way into the confines of the castle where they give her one last gift. Mimi leads them all in, the heartbroken Princess Kari included.

Mimi Tachikawa: Alright, in here, dear.

Yolei closes the door behind her, as she is the last one to go in.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): Lock the door, Yolei. Catherine, pull the drapes.

Mimi then ushers Kari to a chair next to the mirror.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): And now, dear, if you'll just sit here.

Then, Mimi recites a spell for their last gift to be given to Kari.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): This one last gift, dear child, for thee a symbol of thy royalty. A crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right and royal duty.

But the thought of her royal duty as a princess only brought Kari to tears.

Catherine Deneuve: Now, dear_

Catherine tries to bring whatever comfort to Kari that she can, but Mimi stops the French-accented blonde from helping the princess.

Mimi Tachikawa: Come now.

Mimi ushers Catherine and Yolei out of the room to give Kari room to cry.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): Let her have a few moments alone.

Once outside the door to the room, the three good fairies start to talk about...

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: It's that boy she met.

Catherine Deneuve: Whatevér are we going to do?

But as Kari continues to cry up a monsoon, a song-like voice emanates from the fireplace hearth in the room in which she presently is. Suddenly, a mysterious force puts the fire in the hearth out, and Laylamon suddenly appears in the faded light from the fireplace hearth, glowing scepter and all. The light from the scepter comes alive in the fireplace and glows a gaudy shade of purple.

Back outside the door, Mimi, Catherine, and Yolei are busying themselves in talking about...

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Oooooh, I don't see why she has to marry any ole' prince.

Catherine Deneuve: Now, zat is not for us to decide, dearest Yolei.

The bright purple light comes alive and has a hypnotic effect on Kari and lures her out of the room. She follows the light like she's in a trance. And as though that is not bad enough for Kari, a gateway suddenly appears from what seems to be out of nowhere from beyond the fireplace hearth. Kari follows the light of Laylamon's bright purple glow into the gateway.

Back outside, the three good fairies, Mimi, Catherine, and Yolei, are busy pondering whether or not they should just...

Catherine Deneuve: Maybe, we should tell King Susumu and Queen Yuuko about ze boy.

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Well, why don't we?

Suddenly, Mimi hears something emanating from the other side of the door to the room in which Kari is and shushes the other two.

Mimi Tachikawa: Listen! Laylamon! Rose!

Catherine Deneuve and Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Rose!

Then, they all rush right back into the room only to realize that Kari has already followed Laylamon beyond the fireplace hearth and into the darkness.

Catherine Deneuve: Oh, why did we leave her alone?

They all panickily rush towards the fireplace hearth just in time for the gateway Laylamon's gaudy purple light provided for Kari to close on them.

Mimi Tachikawa, Catherine Deneuve and Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Rose!

Meanwhile beyond the fireplace hearth, Kari only continues to follow the light further away from the door that has been turned back into nothing more than a fireplace hearth. She continues to follow the light up the stairs, even.

Back in the room from which the light from Laylamon's purple glow first presented itself to Kari, Mimi, Catherine and Yolei are still struggling to rescue Kari from Laylamon. Mimi suddenly comes up with an idea.

Mimi Tachikawa: Here!

Then, Mimi uses her wand to zap away the wall of the fireplace hearth. Afterwards, she, Catherine and Yolei rush into the gateway and try to find Kari before it's too late.

Mimi Tachikawa, Catherine Deneuve, and Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Rose! Rose! Where are you?

As the three of them continue to look for her, Kari continues to follow the light of Laylamon's purple glow even further and further away from the safety of the three good fairies.

Catherine Deneuve: Rose!

Mimi, Catherine and Yolei follow the stairs up to where they finally deduce Kari is. Meanwhile, Kari just continues to follow the light which has her under its hypnotic spell. Mimi, Catherine, and Yolei continue to look for Kari.

Mimi Tachikawa, Catherine Deneuve, Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Rose!

Kari is still following the light of Laylamon's purple glow further and further up the stairs until she and the light she's following reach a room. Mimi, Catherine and Yolei are still desperate to catch up to Kari.

Mimi Tachikawa, Catherine Deneuve, and Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Rose!

After having reached the room in which she is now alone with the light of Laylamon's glow, Kari continues to be lured even further by it, until finally it turns into a spinning wheel, spindle and all. The spinning wheel's spindle seems to call out for Kari to touch it.

Mimi Tachikawa, Catherine Deneuve, and Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Rose!

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Don't touch anything!

Kari seems to finally hear out Yolei's voice call out at first, but Laylamon's spinning wheel seems to have a much stronger voice.

Lillithmon/Laylamon's Spinning Wheel: Touch the spindle. Touch it, I say.

Kari reaches out to touch the spinning wheel's spindle just in time for her to get completely dizzy and dazed enough to fall over quite completely.

Mimi, Catherine and Yolei arrive onto the scene, but unfortunately too late because Laylamon is right in front of the three of them, glaring them all down.

Lillithmon/Laylamon: You poor simple fools, thinking you could defeat me. Me, the Digital Mistress of All Evil.

Laylamon then grabs onto her robe and pulls it towards herself to reveal to Mimi, Catherine and Yolei...

Lillithmon/Laylamon (continued): Well, here's your precious princess.

Kari is lying on the floor, completely still. Laylamon unleashes her most evil cackle, yet. Mimi, Catherine and Yolei rush to Kari's side.

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Rose!

Catherine Deneuve: Oh, Rose!

They all start to sob at Kari's condition.

Mimi Tachikawa: Oh, I'll never forgive myself.

Catherine Deneuve: We are all to blame.

The sun finally starts to set.

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