I Know You, I Met You Once Upon A Dream

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Meanwhile back in the throne room with King Susumu and Queen Yuuko, they are joined by Queen Nancy who is still unsure of how she will ever tell her closest friends that her son does not wish to marry their daughter.

Queen Natsuko 'Nancy' Takaishi: Susumu, Yuuko, the-there-there's something important I simply must tell the two of you.

But Susumu and Yuuko are far too focused on their desire to welcome their daughter back home.

Queen Yuuko Yagami/Kamiya: Oh yes, but not now, Nancy.

King Susumu Yagami/Kamiya: We have to be ready for Kari to return home after all this time.

Queen Natsuko 'Nancy' Takaishi: Bu-but it's about T.K..

King Susumu Yagami/Kamiya: T.K.?

Queen Yuuko Yagami/Kamiya: Nancy's son, Prince Takeru, who's known by his friends as Prince T.K..

King Susumu Yagami/Kamiya: Oh yes, of course. That T.K.. Well, where is your son, Nancy?

Queen Natsuko 'Nancy' Takaishi: That's what I'm trying to tell you, your majesties.

Queen Yuuko Yagami/Kamiya: Well, don't just stand there. Send for your son immediately.

Queen Natsuko 'Nancy' Takaishi: But...

King Susumu then shushes his wife and their joint friend if only to listen to the fanfare trumpets clearly.

Elecmon: The sun has set. Make ready to welcome your princess.

There is both cheering and fireworks decorating the ceremony of welcoming Princess Kari back home to the palace, unaware of two things. The first being that the princess is already back in the palace, while the second being that Laylamon's curse has come to pass, anyway. Kari lies sleeping on a bed in the highest room of the palace's tallest tower. Mimi, Catherine and Yolei have all laid her atop the bed.

Mimi leaves the room to escape even a little of the guilt she feels about being the reason for such a thing happening to poor Kari. Catherine and Yolei join her outside of the room.

Catherine Deneuve: Poor King Susumu and Queen Yuuko.

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: They'll be heartbroken when they find out.

Mimi suddenly comes to a decision.

Mimi Tachikawa: They're not going to.

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: They aren't?

Mimi Tachikawa: We'll put them all to sleep, until our 'Chocolate Rose' awakens.

Mimi then pulls upon the curtains which cover the room from within which Kari is sleeping and draws them to a close.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): Come on.

Mimi, then Catherine, and finally Yolei all turn into their smaller forms, as a chorus sings in the background. The chorus vocalizes at first.

Chorus: Sleeping Beauty fair, brown of chocolate in your hair, eyes that shame the crimson rose, bringing a tune of slumbering tones. One day, he will come, riding on another throne. Then, you'll awaken to true love's kiss, 'till then, Sleeping Beauty, sleep on. One day, you'll awaken to love's first kiss, 'till then, Sleeping Beauty, sleep on.

All while the chorus was sung in the background, Mimi, Catherine and Yolei work together to put the entire kingdom to sleep. But, while Mimi is dusting their majesties and Queen Nancy, she overhears Nancy talking about her son, Prince T.K..

Queen Natsuko 'Nancy' Takaishi: Well, I've just been talking to T.K., and it seems he's fallen in love with some peasant girl.

Mimi becomes alarmed at hearing the very words...

Mimi Tachikawa: 'Peasant girl'?

She goes to confront Queen Nancy about it before the sleeping spell can fully knock her out like a light.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): Yes? Yes?

Mimi flies to Queen Nancy's left ear to ask exactly who the peasant girl is.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): The peasant girl, who is she? Where did he meet her?

But, Queen Nancy is far too sleepy thanks to the spell to even consider telling.

Queen Natsuko 'Nancy' Takaishi: Just some peasant girl he met.

Mimi does not have time for this, but she knows that it may be imperative to learn this information from Queen Natsuko.

Mimi Tachikawa: Where? Where?

Queen Nancy just yawns before letting it out.

Queen Natsuko 'Nancy' Takaishi: Once upon-a dream.

Mimi considers this for a moment.

Mimi Tachikawa: Once upon a dre_ Rose! Prince T.K.! Oh, oh!

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