Laylamon's Relentless Search

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Wizarmon/Wizardmon: Many sad and lonely years passed for King Susumu and his people. But, as the time for the princess's sixteenth birthday drew near, the entire kingdom began to rejoice. For everyone knew that as long as Laylamon's domain, the forbidden mountains, thundered with her wrath and frustration, her evil prophecy had not yet been fulfilled.

Laylamon is circling in place, seething with awful annoyance and frustration at her minions' success in finding the princess, or rather the minions' lack thereof. She is at her wit's end.

Lillithmon/Laylamon: It's incredible. Sixteen years, and not a single trace of her. She couldn't have vanished into thin air. Are you sure you searched everywhere?

A random pig-faced minion is the only one to speak.

Pig-faced Minion: Yeah, yeah, everywhere. We all did.

The rest of Laylamon's minions agree with their pig-faced comrade. But Laylamon now gets extra restless.

Lillithmon/Laylamon: And what about the town? The forest? The mountains?

The random pig-faced minion is once again the only one to speak up.

Pig-faced Minion: Yeah, yeah, we searched mountains, forest, houses, and, let me see, uh... oh yeah, and all the cradles.

Laylamon cannot believe what her pig-faced minion has just told her.

Lillithmon/Laylamon: Cradle?

Pig-faced Minion: Yeah, yeah, every cradle.

The pig-faced minion means it as more of a joke than anything, but Laylamon is not in any mood for jokes at all.

Lillithmon/Laylamon: Cradle?!

Laylamon is quite upset at the pig-faced minion's joke. She turns to face Demidevimon, and he is hoping very much that his mistress does not take her anger with her minions out on him.

Lillithmon/Laylamon (continued): Did you hear that, Demidevimon? All these years, they've been searching for a baby.

Laylamon at first laughs at their collective stupidity, and they laugh along.

Lillithmon/Laylamon (continued): Fools! Idiots! Imbeciles!

Then, Laylamon zaps her evil energy at the minions who had failed her and then had the nerve to joke with her about their collective failure like a bunch of losers. They all run from her, while Demidevimon just hides from her when she is in this rage. When Laylamon is finally done zapping her evil powers at them all, she just sighs at their failure.

Lillithmon/Laylamon (continued): Oh, they're completely hopeless. A disgrace to the forces of evil.

Demidevimon takes this as the time to fly his mistress's hand to bring comfort to her if nothing else. But, from what happens next, Laylamon seems to have something else in mind for Demidevimon to do for her.

Lillithmon/Laylamon (continued): Demidevimon, my little companion, you are my last hope. Circle far and wide. Search for a maid of sixteen, with hair of chocolate brown and eyes as crimson as the rose. Go, and do not fail.

PicoDevimon/Demidevimon: Aye, aye, m'lady. Laylamon is truly the Digital Mistress of All Evil.

Demidevimon takes flight out of Laylamon's castle and goes to search.

PicoDevimon/Demidevimon (continued): Oooh, boy, did I ever get off easy compared to those losers.

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