Chapter 2

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(Yutoda! X Daniel Jikal)

Yutoda and Daniel were at a café enjoying their coffee and cookies on a cold winter day. There was snow outside and beautiful decorations all around town. Yutoda was wearing a red jacket with grey sweatpants blue scarf with red dots along it and Daniel was wearing a sweater that had a picture of his face on it along with a skirt that had a picture of his face again and a scarf that had his face AGAIN.

They had a wonderful time chatting and hugging ,etc but then the rock bust through the door and yelled "all u bitches gay G-A-Y yalls is going to hell double L" then walked out. Suddenly the news popped on the monitor in the café. "Breaking news here on 1:27 news we have story breaking headlines. Reports have been sent saying Dwayne Johnson better known as The Rock has been breaking into stores and saying quote all u bitches gay G-A-Y yalls is going to hell double L. If you see this please report to the authorities immediately"

After seeing this Daniel went to grab his phone to call the police but Yutoda stopped him and said "Don't call the rock is my best friend". Daniel was confused on why Yutoda would be hanging out with a criminal but them Yutoda grabbed a zipper from their forehead to reveal they were actually a famous criminal named Shingdong (Suju member). Everyone yelled and ran out but Daniel stayed.

"S-shingdong?" Daniel said. "Hana dul set!
Naega neomu johaottoke ottoke~" sang shingdong. "NO GO AWAY LEAVE ME ALONE" Daniel yelled "naega neomu yeppeo ottoke ottoke~" he sang again. "NO STOP GET OUT OF MY HEAD"

"narang manna bollae eotteohke saenggakhae?" He sang but this time Daniel was cast under his spell and sang as well. Shingdong laughed and took Daniel's spirit and put it in a salt shaker and possessed Daniel. "HAHAHAHAJAJAJ" Shingdong (now Daniel) laughed.

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