Chapter 7

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                (Yutoda x Daniel Jikal part. 2)

"AHH" Daniel yells "why are you yelling at 3am" Yutoda said half awake. "Oh it was just a nightmare thank god." Daniel Jikal let out a relieved sigh. "What was your nightmare about?" Yutoda said now fully awake. "Uh so like basically we got coffee then the rock started singing 'all you bitches gay G-A-Y yall is going to hell double L 😋🤞' and then you turned into shingdong from suju then started singing that one aegyo song then you took my soul and put it in a salt shaker then possessed my body..."

                  *silence for 4 minutes*

"You seriously need a therapist" Yutoda finally said. "No I don't idk what you're saying it's just a regular nightmare". "THATS REGULAR?? NAH UH WE'RE TAKING YOU TO GET MENTAL HELP." And so they did.

*the next day*

"Hello, you're yutoda right?" Soobin the front desk person (??) said. "Yeah I'm here to bring in Daniel." Yutoda said fake smiling at Daniel. "Alright Doctor Suh will see you soon wait in that one gay roo- I mean rainbow room till your or your sons name is called." Soobin said pointing to the gay I mean rainbow room.

*in the gay room*

"Daniel istg I hope Dr.Suh helps you with your weird ass imagination." Yutoda said but then they heard 2Baddies playing and started dancing "2 BADDIES 2 BADDIES 1 PORCHEEE" Yutoda sang beautifully as they danced in the gay room. "Uh you might need a doctor to help you stop randomly doing weird ass dances" Daniel said to Yutoda in disgust. "Uh I have appointment for Uh Dan-Daniel? JEHH wait uh Jehkyal?" The nurse Lily (of nmixx) said. "That's us" Yutoda said and they followed nurse Lily.

*in doctor suh office*

"Uh yall are uh Daniel and uh Yutoda right?" Dr. Suh said. "Yeah we are.". "Alright I'm doctor suh and I'll be seeing what's wrong today but first I need to know what's yalls relationship like is Yutoda Daniel's parent or...?" Dr.Suh said bc he slayed. "Nah we're dating but anyways Daniel has been having these weird ass demonic dreams please help" Yutoda said.

"Alr well Daniel come lay down on this bed basically what we gonna do is put you to sleep and see what type of weird ass dreams you're having" Dr.Suh said and Daniel went to lay down on the bed. "Alright just close your eyes gayly" Dr.Suh instructed. "Ok" then Daniel fell asleep and a monitor turned on there was a live video of Daniel's dream.

*In dream*

"I'm not asleep wth you lied" Daniel said but suddenly Dr.Suh turned into shingdong and Yutoda turned into shingdong too. "Hana dul set!
Naega neomu joha ottoke ottoke~" they both chanted. "NO GO AWAY SKANKS AHSHSHSHHSSJAK" Daniel yelled. "naega neomu yeppeo ottoke ottoke~" they sang again . "NO GO FYS WHORES LEAVE ME ALONE" Daniel tried to run but he couldn't. "narang manna bollae eotteohke saenggak-" Daniel was shaken from the dream.

*In real time*

"Uh so Yutoda, Daniel has something called shingdongaegyophobia it's very rare because people don't watch his aegyo because this phobia gives them trauma. Seems like Daniel carried that phobia after watching the video" Dr.Suh said. "So how do we fix it?" Yutoda asked. "The mental hospital." Dr.Suh said confidentiality and so Daniel Jikal got sent away for 3 years. 😘😘

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