Chapter 5

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(Thong x Lil Huddy)

Thong and Lil huddy were at target originally to buy minisode 2: thursdays child mess ver bc stan txt. But then found the dildo sections and were immediately intrigued. Lil Huddy and Thong ran to the dildo section and looked at all them "Woah this one is 10 inches" Thong said "Hah that's nothing this one is 127 inches 2 BADDIES 2 BADDIES ONE DILDO" Lil huddy said. They both were laughing at the ridiculous heights of the dildos until an old lady came into the section.

Thong and Lil Huddy weren't the type of people to judge but an old lady? A dildo? Doesn't add up so they approached her. "Uh hey are you sure you're in the right section ma'am" Thong asked. "O-oh hi dear I think I am..?" The old lady said. "Hm well what are you looking for?" Lil Huddy said. "U-uh my grandson said its called a dealdoe? Uh wait it's spelled d-i-l-d-o" she said. "Oh!" Thong said trying not to laugh so they looked at huddy. "Uh well you're in the right section ha.." Lil huddy said "I thought so hm well thanks for your concern" the old lady said.

Lil huddy and Thong walked away laughing so hard then they realized one of their best memories is gonna be them asking a grandma why she was in the dildo section. They looked at each other fondly like as if they were each others whole worlds and started making out in the middle of the lego section. But then Lil huddy stepped on a lego "OW FUCK OMG TAHT HURTS HOLY AM I BLEEDING I FINNA DIEEEE YALL HELPPP ME OMGGG THONG BRO PLS HEKP MEEE" Lil huddy yelled but Thong just watched Lil huddy struggle.

They ended up getting minisode 2 : thursdays child. "Ok let's flip over our pcs on 3 ok?" Thong said, Lil huddy nodded.

I hope I pull taehyun


I hope I pull hueningkai


They both pulled their biases and kissed each other after they hanged their posters on their apartment wall for everyone to see. They slept well that night)

The next morning Lil Huddy was half awake while pancakes while he was cooking them he smelled something burning so he got a good look at the pan and saw he wasn't cooking batter he wad cooking THEIR PCS?? "No this is a dream" he rubbed his eyes and looked back "NONONONONONONONON0ONPNONONONO OUR PCS OMGDHISHDOEI" he started crying and Thong woke up to see the scene.

"Is that..." Thong asked and Lil huddy just nodded "please don't kill me 😢😢" Lil huddy said. "No I won't kill u over paper but I will make u buy txt albums until u pull the pcs then u will give me all the albums ♡♡♡" Thong said. Lil huddy wad shocked but it was deserved so he went to target and bought every txt album.

*after opening 169 albums*

"OMGGGSHSU YES I PULLED TYUNNINGHSJEJSJWJIS YES NO MORE OF THIS HELL" Lil huddy yelled he then gave Thong the hueningkai pc and all the albums amd Lil huddy had to sleep on the street for a week 🥰.

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