~ thirty-one days ~

10 3 4

i want to soak in every moment,

want to make the hours slow,

i want to breathe in every moment,

want to never go home

how quickly fall came,

how quickly it'll go,

thirty-one days,

and i have to go home

i want to hold you through the cold,

want to pretend there isn't time,

i want to make it all our own,

want to call you mine

how lovely you are,

how amazing your touch,

thirty-one days,

to love it so much

i want to walk through autumn with you,

want to fall just like the leaves,

i want to see your point of views,

want to be just you and me

how time is numbered,

how minutes are short,

thirty-one days,

and my heart wants more

i want to be with you till the time is up,

want to never leave your arms,

i want to swing and talk and hold and hug,

want to hold your heart

how your eyes and smile, 

how they hold my gaze,

thirty-one days,

to love you always

Behind the Poem: i live down the road from the boy i love, and it's always been so easy. but now we are moving, and he'll no longer be the boy next door. we have the month of october, and we are falling just as fast as the leaves.

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