~the player and the pawn~

14 2 4

love versus logic is a manipulative game,

they don't sit well,

they never mind,

they argue like children,

the bicker all night,

the deep thinker and the naive side. . .

they never agree,

they think it's fine,

love's just a game to get lost inside.

you're gonna win,

you're gonna try,

but when you lose, you're gonna cry.

you were a pawn on their chess board,

you were a piece they played often,

their next best strategy,

their losing plan b,

they moved you, they used you,

you were played until they won. . .

then when you realize,

they're already gone.

to the next game,

a whole new deck of cards,

left with only pieces,

to put back together your heart.

you then reset the game,

but your player put you up,

and when you try to play again,

the player's already done.

and so it goes. . .

i can never seem to win the war,

of wanting love, of wanting more,

my heart and brain argue deep inside,

can they ever learn to coincide?

behind the poem: this is about my experience with a player. . . the highs, the lows, the second guessing, the mixed signals. . .the game. don't settle for someone who uses you like you're the plan b or another pawn on the chess board. look for someone who will rematch you for life. 

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