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Dear Harry,

I'm so sorry about Cedric. And Voldemort. It must have been horrifying to watch the man who ruined your life come back. I know you probably don't want my sympathy, but I truly am sorry. Cedric was one of the few who actually brought recognition to our house.

The Hufflepuff common room has been pretty depressing lately. That's probably why I'm writing to you right now. To get past all the gloominess.

The Ministry of Magic is being a fucking pain in the arse.

I'm not surprised they don't believe you. They're bloody cowards if you ask me. Fudge just doesn't want the press to know that Voldemort came back during his tenure.

If it wasn't obvious already, I believe you. About Voldemort, Cedric. I didn't think people would be dumb enough to actually think you were lying about him.

If you need to talk, even though you barely know me, I can always listen.


Everly Harper

P.S. sorry if my tears stained this too much.

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