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Dear Harry,

The Ministry finally knows about Voldemort's return. And can I just say, FINALLY. Holy Merlin, I thought they were blind with the way they were denying it.

The Daily Prophet did a full 180 and is now talking about you being the Chosen One and the Saviour of the Wizarding World. That's ridiculous. I don't mean you're not a great wizard, because you are, but you're 15.

They're all mental to put so much strain on a teenager. I hope you, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Ginny are much better now.

I'm so sorry about Sirius Black. I don't know much, but it seemed you two were really close. I'm so sorry you had to lose someone else in your life.

I hope the battle in the ministry showed that you can trust me. if you need to talk, I'm here.


Everly Harper

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