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Dear Harry,

Merlin's balls Harry, did you really almost kill Malfoy? I can't say he didn't deserve it, but still. I didn't think you would do that.

I mean I'm sure it's some sort of misunderstanding. The Hogwarts rumour mill isn't all that trustworthy.

Is Ron alright? I heard he ended up taking a love potion by mistake.

I wish you would talk to me. I've been writing these letters for a while now. Although I never really sent one, I can still hope.

If you did find these letters, you'd probably think I'm some sort of creep.

I heard Snape gave you detention and you have to miss the quidditch match. I really am sorry about that. Although the match is against Hufflepuff, so I can't say I'm that disappointed.

Snape's detentions are horrible. I've only had a handful of them, but those were enough for me to vow never to get one again.

It seems like Hufflepuffs are becoming bolder this year. Me included. So, I think I should say this.

I like you.

I think I have for a while now, but it's getting really obvious now. Hannah and Susan are constantly teasing me nowadays.

This is one of the longest letters I've written.

Love (I think I mean it this time),

Everly Harper

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