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Dear Harry,

I heard about the dementors attacking Privet Drive. I hope you managed to get out of there. It's bloody dumb for giving you a trial for defending yourself. Especially when there is a clause that specifically states magic can be used in the presence of muggles as self-defence.

I saw you on the train again this year. You weren't sitting with Ron and Hermione as usual and I wanted to ask why, but I decided not to. You seemed to be enjoying yourself in any case. I didn't want to disturb.

Is it just me or did you become - hotter- taller this summer?

Umbridge's speech was a load of bullshit. Personally, I only kept quite because my mum works in the Ministry. What do you think her classes are going to be like? You seemed pretty distracted during the speech.

I was going to ask you about the -next Hogsmeade weekend- new staff this year. Snape seemed pretty pissed. Most of the professors did actually.

In any case, I hope you solved your sleeping problems, though I think that they might have become worse.


Everly Harper

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