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Dear Harry,

You danced with me.

You danced with me.

I can't describe what I felt when you put your hands on my waist and twirled me around to the soft music during the wedding.

I can't explain just how satisfying it was when you gazed into my eyes and smiled at me. It was as though that was where we were meant to be.

But it was all over in six minutes.

You smiled politely at me and kissed my right hand and left.

I know you'll never love me like you love Ginny. I know you'll never even like me enough to date me.

But I can still feel your lips on my hand. Your gaze on me. Your hands on my waist. Your breath against my cheek as you hugged me.

Merlin, I sound like a creep.

You're probably in a tent somewhere struggling to get food.

I miss you.

Even though you've never really been close to me, I miss your presence.


Everly Harper

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