Chapter 1 - Train Your Wings

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Sounds of fighting can be heard in the training grounds. Slash, punch, kick, dodge, forward slash, jump, slash, dodge, stab, dodge, dodge, dodge. Malenia started training with the Waterfowl Dancer, and she underestimated him. And it's costing her being on the evasive, and desperately trying to find an opening. But the Dancer was fast, faster than anyone she had fought before in training, and faster than her.

She had cuts, marks from punches and was tired beyond belief, they had been fighting all day, and no winner was declared yet. Even though, the fight keep on going, she knew the Dancer was holding back, missing opportunities and chances of ending the fight, he was toying with her, and it infuriated her, to the point of the rot spreading through her right arm. She didn't noticed at first, but when her leather glove started decaying, she knew something was off.

Malenia: Wait!

The Dancer simply did a backflip, with such grace that it seemed he was suspended in the air for a moment.

Malenia: I don't feel so well, can we continue later?

The Waterfowl Dancer merely stood there, not saying a word, not moving a muscle. He knew what had happened.

Waterfowl Dancer: The curse bestowed upon you, is blooming, isn't it?

Malenia was shocked, only those of the royal family knew of her sickness, and to see this complete stranger know, was shocking, and terrifying. Was he spying on her? Was he doing this training so he could kill her?

Malenia: How...

Malenia's thoughts were racing and her mouth struggled to keep up with her mind.

Malenia: How do you know about that? About my curse?

The Waterfowl Dancer simply gave her a sympathetic smile, and explained his knowledge.

Waterfowl Dancer: Many moons ago, I fought and evil spirit. A being beyond our comprehension and beliefs. He used someone as a vessel, and that someone lost themselves to the influences of this creature. I had to do something. I stopped the being from controlling their body, and it contained that entity for a while. It seems the time of peace that brought, was merely a temporary relief. My child, you've been cursed with something much worse than just a curse. Something cursed you, chose you. You are the vessel for the God of Rot. An Outer God, far beyond the cosmos. And it seems your will to live, is strong enough to keep it at bay. I'm impressed and very content with this discovery.

Malenia watched as he explained his story, and it all made sense to her. How every time the rot would try to spread, it would emit something inside her, like it was trying to say something, something menacing and persuasive. But she refused to listen to this, and merely endure her burden. It all made sense.

Malenia gained a look of utter conviction. And her arm stopped hurting. Weak, hurt and tired, she looked at the Waterfowl Dancer, and merely said.

Malenia: Shall we fight again?


(Y/N) was practicing in his courtyard, the old wood he used was replaced with a new one. Trading blows between the piece of wood and the air. He had been doing this for hours now, and he was just getting started. Sweat ran down his forehead, his muscles were sore from the constant movement and his legs were tired of the many pirouettes and dodges he would do. But he refused to stop there, he needed to be the best, like his uncle and General Radahn. He wouldn't give up.

His black and blue clothing matched his blue orbs, inherited from his mother. But he had no sight on his left eye, something he genetically inherited from his father. Thankfully, it wasn't both eyes like his progenitor, so he wore a piece of blue clothe over his left eye. And even with this disability of no eyesight in one eye, he was one of the greatest katana wielders in the Lands Between. Even if people did not know it yet.

Aeonian Butterfly (Malenia X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now