Chapter 2 - Walk Tall

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Sometime had passed since his encounter with the Fallingstar Beast. (Y/N) had recovered from his wounds, and was ready to continue his training, when something caught his eye. Many soldiers were walking through the streets of the city. They seemed tired, injured. He wondered what could have happened. So he went to ask them. He left the house and approached a soldier who was in better shape than the rest.

The soldier was a young woman, attractive but with eyes that had seen so much pain. She had pale skin, brown eyes and a very dirty blonde hair. (Y/N) saw her tiredness, and decided that this should be quick.

(Y/N): Excuse me, miss. I was wondering what happened to all this soldiers? Why are they so injured?

Female Soldier: You don't know? The campaign against the Land of Reeds? It's been led by General Radahn. It is said that they are threatening the kingdom, but well, they have proven to be a challenging opponent. Our numbers are lowering by the minute, and they have the advantage of the battlefield, they know it better, and it's their land.

(Y/N) started thinking about this. The Land of Reeds was a kingdom from far away, but it was always consumed in a war. Different enemies, but always a war. He saw why the general would think they could be a threat to the kingdom.

Suddenly, (Y/N) snaps out of his train of thought, when the soldier was waving her hand in front of his face.

Female Soldier: Hello? Are you there?

Embarrassed, (Y/N) quickly apologized. And explained what had driven him towards his meditation of the problem.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, sorry. I was just lost in thought, thinking about this whole conflict. How is the army doing against them? Have they advanced?

Female Soldier: Sadly, it's been a slow progress, in 4 months, we've only covered a small portion of their land. If this keeps going at this rate, our troops are going to wear thin by the time the war ends.

(Y/N) thought about this, and decided that it was time to put his skills to good use and help his kingdom.

(Y/N): How can I enlist in the army?

The female soldier just gained a smile at his conviction.

Female Soldier: You have to follow me, we'll do the paper work at the head quarters. I'm Finlay by the way. Lieutenant Finlay. I am the second in command of this company.

(Y/N): It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, lieutenant Finlay. I am (Y/N) Ayers. I am blood related to former Elden Lord, Godfrey.

Finlay gain a surprised look, lord Godfrey was a busy man, and the only known son of him, was Godwyn. But (Y/N) saw the confusion of her face and explained furthermore.

(Y/N): My mother is the younger sister of lord Godfrey. He's my uncle.

Finlay, finally understood the connection and didn't bother digging in more. She just told him to follow her and that he did.

When they arrived at the head quarters, Finlay told him to go to the fill the contract at the captain's room. When he entered he saw a man of mid age and very tall sitting in a chair watching over the window. When he heard the door open he turned around, and his face said it all. This was a man of pure battle prowess, his eyes told that story.

Captain: What can I do for you kid?

(Y/N): I'm here to enlist in the army sir.

Captain: Very well, take a seat. I am captain Kristoff.

(Y/N) spent the day filling papers for his next adventure. War.


Malenia was in her chambers, the training was excruciating but she was feeling improvement in her swordsmanship. Her blade was flowing effortlessly and the more she trained with the Waterfowl Dancer, the more her blade soared through the air, in a swift motion.

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