Demon Monkey and Priestess

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Right when they finished off the lady bone demon something. . . happens.

The group gets engulfed in a bright light. Macaque felt his grip slip from the staff, he tried desperately to grab onto something else but to no prevail.

He could hear the other's scream in terror as the strange light consumes them. His vision starts to fade as he fills his body falling before he lost full consciousness.


A girl with dark black hair and blue grey eye's climbs out of a old well of her families shrine as she returns to her era.

With a sigh of relief she slings her yellow bag over her shoulder ready to get a relaxing bath in her home when she stops in her tracks.

Feeling something off in the air she began to look around to see what this strange feeling was.
Just then a strange portal opens up from above.

"Wh-whats going on!? " she yell's out in panic.

Her family runs out of the house to see what was wrong when they heard Kagome yell.

"Kagome what's wrong!? " her mother says.

"Momma you and the other's stay back! " she told her mother hoping it was not a trap from Narraku. But even if it was him how would he be able to come to her world? Not to mention it didn't even have any demonic aura around it.

Then something came falling out of the portal before it quickly closed disappearing completely.

What ever it was landed with a hard thud. Kagome dropped her bag and ran too see who or what it was with her family close behind.

She kneeled down to whatever it was and slowly turned it to face up. Kagome was shocked to see that it wasn't human but it was a demon!? He had a red marking on his face, black hair or furr and a tail. It was a monkey demon. But how would a demon get to her world?

He was unconscious but looked a little bruised up like he had been in a fight.

"Let's get him inside. "

"Kagome my dear are you crazy!? " her grandpa said.

"Gramps I can't just leave him like this. Besides what if he has on opened wound or something? "

"Kagome's right grandfather. What kind of people would we be if we just left him like that. " her mother says.

"Yeah come on gramps. What if he needs are help really bad? " Sota chimed in.

". . . Ow ow alright you've convinced me. But if he ends up being bad don't say I didn't warn ya. " her grandpa said caving in to there request.

Kagome and her mother each grabbed one of his arms pulling him up and taking him into there home.


Kagomes Pov

"Finally finished. " I say with a sigh of relief after putting the last bandages on are stranger.

So turns out he did have a wound, lucky it wasn't that deep I'm so glad Kaede taught me how to treat a wound like this. He had a couple of bruises but my main concern was the gash on his right side.

"Kagome how is he? " I hear my mom said as she enters the spare room we had.

"I managed to treat the gash but he still hasn't woken up yet. "

"We'll that's good I have some clothes here for him when he wakes up. As for his other shirt and scarf I'll stitch them up good as new for him. " she says putting the clothes on the dresser and leaving the room.

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