Kikyo, Captured by Naraku

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After Naraku took Kikyo with him the four headed back to where they left there other companies. And headed to a river to think of there next move.

"Well wouldn't you say those two have been acting weird?" Sango said to  Miroku as he agreed with her watching Inuyasha looking glum and a nervous Kagome wanting to talk to him.

Macaque looked at the two as well frowning to himself.

"Inuyasha lets go! We have to rescue Kikyo there's still time before it gets late." She said to Inuyasha only for him to say he'll do it on his own.

Miroku got up and kicked Inuyasha making him fall over while Macaque stiffed a laugh.

"Stop being such a stubborn fool, or have you forgotten who kidnapped Kikyo? I want my own revenge I wouldn't even have this hole on my right hand if it weren't for him."

"He's an enemy to all of us remember?"

"What makes you so special?"

Both Sango and Shippo chimed in on the conversation.

Macaque looked at the group thinking, he had no beef with this Naraku guy, although at first glance he could tell the guy was bad news just like the feeling he had with the lady bone demon. Just thinking about her sent chills down his spine even though she was good and gone he still had nightmares from time to time.

His thoughts were cut off when his ears flickered to some type of buzzing noise. Macaque looked up to see white flying serpent things in the air but for a split second he thought he saw a weird wasp instead before it went back to serpent.

"What the hell are those?" He asked as the others now seeing them sprang into action.

"Those are Kikyo's soul collector's!?" Kagome said as she mounted behind Sango on Kilala a long with Shippo.
Then they were off following the soul collector's.

"Hey Kagome not that I don't mind but how come your not riding on Inuyasha?" Sango asked curiously although having a feeling on what it is well more like who it is.

"Oh? Well. . ummm. . ."

"Bright eyes if you wanted a ride you could of just asked me~?" Macaque said beside them giving Kagome a seductive smirk. The priestess face turned bright red earning a laugh from the shadow demon.

"What's wrong with Kagome?" Shippo asked seeing Kagome trying to cover up her face.

"I think its best if we don't know." The demon slayer says as her thoughts go with how close those two were more than how Kagome was with Inuyasha.

When Kagome first introduced the shadow demon to there group, Macaque wasn't open with them as he is with Kagome. Not to mention he's not one when it comes with conversation except when it comes to the priestess. Sango wondered what those two could be with one another? He was certainly more nicer to Kagome than Inuyasha.

And that's when Sango had the idea as Kagome calls it to ship it.

Unknown to her she was giggling like a mad woman that Shippo , Kagome ,Macaque and Kilala looked at her confused and slightly terrified.


They continued to follow the soul collector's until something went wrong. The soul collector's turned into Simyosho/ big wasp, and before any of them knew they were consumed by a fog separating everyone from each other.

Macaque Pov

Damn!! I knew something wasn't right with those things! Now were all separated!

"BRIGHT EYE'S!!!!" I yelled out.

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