Monkey vs. Dog

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Hey guys just gonna have a little chat with you real quick, I have a drawing tablet now ✨✨✨ and I tried to get wattpad on there but I don't remember my password for it so when I tried to make a new one I put my email wrong and when I tried to post a story just to test it wouldn't let me so I'm just going to continue to use my phone for my story's. My art tablet is just going to be for my art only.

So if you see an account that is called KagomeAkashiya that is me but I won't be able to use it so yeah.

But that's all I wanted to say and I'll let you guys get started on this story😁.


When we had last seen are Monkey demon and are Priestess they had jumped into the ancient well and traveled 500 year's into the past.

At first Macaque though it had not worked but when he looked up he could see sunlight from above.

"Guess it did work after all?" Macaque said turning his attention to the still red faced girl. He chuckled.

"Hehe you doing ok there bright eye's? Didn't know it was this easy to tease you?" He said as Kagome pouted at him making him laugh even more.

"Oh shut it you! Now to get out of here."

Kagome had said getting ready to climb when she was swept off her feet. Realizing he had picked her up bridal style she started to blush heavily.

"Wait! Hold on Maca-."

She didn't get to finish when he had jumped up out with her still in his arms and landed gracefully onto the grassy plains.

Macaque Pov

We really did travel back in time, no cities or loud car noise at all. It was all forest even the air seemed better here.

I put bright eye's down smirking to myself as she glared at me but I just laughed it off.

"So what now bright eye's?" I ask her looking around the area.

"Now we can head to the village were everyone will be. But I do have to warn you about one person in particular." She said looking around nervous. I look at her confused.

"And who would I have to be considered with?"

"His name is -"


We heard someone yell I looked around and spotted a guy wearing red with silver hair and yellow eye's with.  .  .  . Dog ears?

"Sigh Inuyasha." I heard bright eye's muttered to her self. As I continued to observe the guy.

This was the person she was so nervous about?

"Why the hell are you so late for!?" He yelled at her making me glare a bit at him.

"Well mister I had a lot to do in my world incase you had forgotten!?" She yelled back at him. I could see him slightly flinch making me smirk at her.
Who new she could be this feisty?

He tsked at her before turning his attention towards me.

"Kagome who the hell is this!?" He growled out getting an awful lot close to my personal space.

"Wouldn't you like to know Dog boy." I say in the most mischievous way I know how.

This seemed to piss him off more because now Dog boy was growling at me trying to be imitating but I couldn't care less.

"Would you give it a rest already Inuyasha!" Bright eye's says getting in between me and Dog boy.

"Why should I wench!"

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