Kikyo and Inuyasha, Into the Miasma

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*Quick note I'm starting this story on season two episode 5.*


"It rained demon parts was it?" Miroku said as he and the other's had traveled to a village that had rained down blood and demon parts. Which is now causing sickness to the villagers.

After the village elders explains they all plan to investigate it.

"So here we come to save the day again ,do we have time for this!? What about Narraku!?" Inuyasha said in frustration.

"Nobody has forgotten Inuyasha besides I've already accepted are payment." Miroku said pulling out some money.
"When that happen?"

"Aren't we supposed do the job first before getting paid?" Macaque said raising a brow.

"If you wait you'll get cheated on the tip."

Macaque sweet dropped at the monk, Kagomes companies sure were odd to him and he's met even weirder ones.

Kagome then noticed Sango staring at a mountain with a dark purple clouds surrounding it. That's when Sango asked if someone else other than Narraku could make such a strong demonic aurora. With that in mind they headed towards the mountain. They then see an opening into the mountain.

Sango started coughing falling to her knees because of the Miasma, seeing as Shippo , Kilala and Macaque weren't effected Inuyasha and Miroku decided to go on ahead.

"Just be careful Inuyasha that miasma is pretty strong." Shippo said as the two head on in.

Upon entering the effects of the Miasma was now starting to effect the monk as well, but they still pressed forward and what they came across was a pit full of dead demon corpses.

Macaque Pov

"The poison is getting worse Sango I'm worried about you." I heard bright eyes say as the demon slayer wasn't looking so good.

"I'll be fine but what about you Kagome?"

"Don't worry about me I'm fine." Kagome said.

Bright eye's did seem to be fine even more so than the demon slayer, was it because of the jewel? He was than pulled from his thoughts when he felt a strange sensation, turning towards the opening it was as if pulling him towards it he could see the same thing going on with the fox kid and Kilala.

"You doing alright there kid?" He asked.

"I'm fine I can take it but I feel like something bad must be happening."

I smirked at the kid he may be little but he was tuff, kinda of reminds me of MK. But he also felt something too from the opening. Just what was taking those two so long?

"We should go to them there taking to long." I heard Sango say trying to get up but bright eye's stopped her.

"No way Sango you'll only get worse!"

"Bright eye's right in your condition you won't be able to last a minute in there." I say to the demon slayer.

Then me and bright eye's saw someone approach us, it was a woman in a priestess outfit with black hair and darker blue eye's than Kagomes.

"So Inuyasha is inside." The strange woman said making me look at her in confusion. She than started to walk to the entrance of the cave disappearing.

"What was that about?" I ask.

But I saw bright eyes grab her bow and arrows she was then about to head to the cave. I grab her hand stopping her.

"Hold on bright eyes where do you think your going?" I say to her.

"Macaque please look after Sango I have to go after her." She said.

"What!? Are you insane I'm not letting you go by yourself!" I say to her, was she crazy!?

"Kagome was . . was that Kikyo?" I heard Sango say behind me as I still held on to Kagomes hand.

Who the heck was Kikyo? Was it that woman that had walked past them?

"Bright eyes."

She looked at us nodding than wanting to still go in the cave, I sighed in frustration.

"Look bright eyes I know I can't stop you but I am going with you and I'm not taking no for an answer." I said to her sternly she looked at Sango then back at me before agreeing. With that we left the fox kid and Kilala with the demon slayer.

End of Pov

It was silent between the two before Macaque asked about this Kikyo person.

"Your going to tell me about her bright eyes or are you going to keep it a secret too." He said to her as they continued to walk. Kagome looked at Macaque and sighed telling him about what she is and how she came back to life.

"So she's basically a walking zombie?" He said.

"Well not exactly but instead of eating people she uses the souls of the dead to maintain her body."

Macaque hummed in acknowledge then they fell silently again finally reaching there destination.

"I SWEAR I WILL PROTECT KIKYO!!!" They heard Inuyasha yell out before he than turned towards them his eyes landing on Kagome. Macaque looked between the two sensing something going on with them. Kagome had an unreadable face as if she was trying to mask out her true emotions.

The shadow demon had always felt a connection going on with those two even though they tried to hide it. It made him feel weird whenever the dog boy would be around Kagome but he would always shake it off.
But seeing her like this just made the shadow demon glare at the halfbreed.

Inuyasha then went back to fighting with a huge demon. Kagome then went to get Kikyo followed by Macaque even though Miroku tried to stop them.

"You little fool. . coming here you risk Inuyasha losing you." Kikyo said.

"The only fool here is you lady." Macaque said as he watch the dead woman get up.

Meanwhile Miroku tried to tell Inuyasha to stop attacking the demon that's when Kikyo fired an arrow at Inuyasha's sword making it shrink and bounce off it to hit the barrier breaking the spell.

With the spell broken and the Miasma disapearing the three including Kikyo were being sucked up. Kagome screamed as she was being pulled up, Macaque grabbed a hold of her pulling her close to him and tried using his shadows to hold on to something.

"You alright Bright eyes!?"

"I'm ok now but what about Kikiyo!!?" Kagome said as they watched the demons merge with Narraku.

"You could have merged with me Inuyasha if only you had the courage." Narraku said with his new body. They looked at him in shock while Inuyasha growled and Macaque snarled at him. Narraku then eyed Macaque having not seen him before with the group. He smirked feeling things got a whole lot interesting before taking off with Kikiyo. Leaving Inuyasha to yell out his name in frustration and anger.

Hope you all liked this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next chapter 😆😆😆💞.

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