Chapter 1

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You were currently sparring with your girlfriend, Annie Skywalker. She was the only one who knew everything. Not even Yoda knew, you had made sure of that. You tapped Annie's wrist with your training saber and her weapon fell to the ground, "I guess you win again," she mumbled. You chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Annie, my parents are two of the greatest jedi in history and they taught me everything they knew, of course I'm going to beat you. Don't take it so personally," you said, she hugged you and you rubbed her back. Your other hand combing her hair. "I'm so in love with this girl," you thought. Obi-wan and Shaak knew of your relationship, although you never spoke about it. You admired Annie's face as you held her closer. "I love you," Annie whispered "I love you too," you replied with a gentle smile.

You were now in the lower levels of Coruscant with Shaak. There had been reports of jedi and sith relics being smuggled, so the council decided to send in one of the best master and apprentice duos seen in decades. "Master, I sense a familiar presence," you said confusing her "what do you sense?" She asked "I am unsure, it feels like my father," you replied confusing her further, Shaak had not been told much of your heritage. She knew you were the child of two powerful jedi, she just wasn't told who they were. You looked further and sensed Revan again, and you darted in that direction.

You arrived at a warehouse, which wasn't surprising, and saw your father's helmet on a crate. "Is that?" Shaak gasped, you slowly made your way over, and when you picked it up you sensed Revan. He was all around you, but also wasn't. "Master, would you mind leaving me for a moment?" you asked and she nodded before walking out.

Once Shaak was far away, Revan appeared and you grinned at the sight of your father. "Father, it's been so long," you said before hugging him "I know my son, I am sorry I could not finish your training," he replied as he hugged back "you did all you had to. I think the council wants us to bring them your helmet, but I'm not gonna give it to them," you stated "you should follow orders," Revan argued "and when did you ever followed orders?" you scoffed. Revan playfully smacked you around the back of the head. "Have you spoken to Mom at all?" you asked "I have, she misses you a great deal. This helmet will allow you to summon me or Bastila whenever you need us," he replied and you nodded with your grin not once leaving your face. "You have to go now, I'll see you soon. Oh, and try not to give me another grandchild yet, let Annie be pure for a little longer," he said and your jaw dropped "Annie isn't pure at all," you commented "she makes more advances a day than I remember anyone else doing so when I was your padawan," you added and Revan laughed a little "I'll see you soon," he said and you nodded before he disappeared.

"Did you find anything else?" Shaak asked as you walked with her, the helmet in your hands, "I found out that I can talk to my father," you replied with a smile "I'll explain everything later," you added and she nodded.

Time skip

You were sat in your room looking at your father's helmet when Mace Windu practically barged in. "Padawan, hand over the helmet," he ordered "why should I?" you asked "because I'm giving you a direct order. It is a relic that must be kept safely in the vault," he stated reaching for it, but you force pushed him away, "it called to me, I have no idea why, but it did. Clearly for a reason," you argued. Mace looked more confused than anything. "You come in here wanting something that is my property, and you try to take it. Not once asking, you want to know why a lot of jedi don't like and respect you? It's because you expect everything to be given to you without question. But that's not how life works," you stated and walked out of the room.

You were now sparring with Annie's new apprentice, Ahsoka. Annie wanted her to go against someone with your level of skill so that Ahsoka was less likely to get killed by Dooku or Grievous if she ever encountered them. Hell, Ventress was still a threat to her. You blocked another one of her swings and knocked her to the ground. "You alright?" you asked placing a hand on her shoulder "yeah, thanks," Ahsoka replied with a smile. You nodded and turned to Annie. "I'm pretty sure we have a mission," you said "yeah, but the meeting is in ten minutes, we have time for another spar," she argued and you glanced at the sun "actually we have three minutes," you replied and her jaw dropped before running out with Ahsoka behind her. You laughed a little and followed.

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